It appears that my front wiper fluid pump has failed. The rear one is working fine. There is plenty of fluid in the container. Has anyone else had this issue. I have an '05. Just curious.
I have an 05 purchased in May. I have not notice any problem with the wiper fluid pump. Actually, I used it last night and it's working properly. Bring it to a dealer and see what's going on. See if it's cover under warranty.
This is the first I've heard of that. It's going to be under warranty unless you have driven outside of the 36,000 miles you are allowed under the factory warranty. And it sure is covered under the Extended Platinum warranty. Just go in and get it fixed.
odd, but man bites dog occasionally. if you pull back the inner fender cover and pop the pump out you will see a fine mesh screen on the pump inlet. sometimes there is an incompatibility with washer fluids and they will actually form a slimy gel that settles to the botom of the resevoir and can clog this inlet filter. Suspect this if you can stand outside and hear a "whir" sound when someone else hits the wash function. No sound, it's probable that the brushes in the pump failed. Regards, Mike
volume vs. presure. One set squirts up, one squirts down. I guess we need to know if the pump is pumping or just dribling at the rear. Regards, Mike
To respond to the most recent posts: I could hear the pump working, just no flow from the front squirters. The flow at the back squirter appeared quite normal. ODD THING: I was out of town for 5 days or so and now the squirter is working fine. I believe that IFixEm is right, as I had added wiper fluid two or three days before it quite working. Under which side will I find the pump? RJG
I have a similar problem with the Camry. I would pull the stalk and nothing would happen. The wipers would wipe a dry windshield (and possibly smear what I wanted to clear), then the fluid would spray. I have had the techs check and they've replaced several things but nothing seemed to have solved the problem. I think they've replaced the pump.
I had that happen to me on Thanksgiving Day. Since it was the first real snow of the season I hadn't needed the washer fluid until then. I could hear the pump so I knew that that wasn't the problem and this was confirmed by the washer fluid coming out fine on the rear. At that point, it was fairly obvious what the problem was. I went back in to the house and got out my bottle of rubbing alcohol and a Q-tip. I soaked the Q-tip in the alcohol and dabbed it on each of the jet ports. Almost immediately, the washer solvent was jetting out just fine on the windshield. As long as you can hear the pump working and know that there is washer solvent in the tank, the jets are probably iced up a little. No big deal. I'm thinking of adding a small bottle of rubbing alcohol to my winter emergency supplies in the car. Of course, Rick, since you don't identify your location, I don't know if ice could be your problem.