My 2006 Prius' driver side (not HID) lowbeam was out, so I bought a replacement bulb. I followed usbseawolf2000's excellent directions on changing a headlamp, but after putting the new bulb in and testing, the lowbeam still does not work. Any ideas?
Check fuses. There are separate 10A fuses for RH & LH Hi Beam, and also for RH & LH Lo Beam (4 separate fuses, plus the main 40A fuse in the engine compartment for a total of 5 fuses) It sounds like the fuse for the driver's side Lo Beam may be blown.
I have the same problem. I had low beam on passenger side quit. It was old enough so I assumed the bulb was out. Problem did not get resolved even after replacing the bulb. So I checked the bulb I had taken out. It looked good. Then I thought it must be fuses. However fuses also look good. I still tried interchanging hi and low beam fuses. Still No luck. Any other thing I could check? It now could be the problem in cable perhaps. I am using car on only high beam for now.
I will buy a multimeter. Useful instrument to have. But fuses are good. I did not just rely on visual inspection. I swapped two fuses. Still the same lamp did not come on. So I guess the fuses are good.
I posted the original thread. The fuses did not turn out to be the problem. My installation was faulty (it's difficult to get your fingers into those tight spaces). When I pulled the lamp again, I apparently got the attachment correct, which solved my problem.
Thanks. I will try with multimeter, and also try the lamp alone in the holder outside to see if that works this weekend. Till then I just need to use high beam. Luckily it is summer and I do not need to use headlamps much to bother other drivers.