For the life of me, I can't understand why Toyota put such ugly Wheel Covers on the 15" Rims. The Rims are sporty and look really good with out the Wheel Covers. I took mine off yesterday and was pleasantly pleased with what I saw. I went to and ordered some Toyota Centre Caps and will install them when they arrive. I will post pictures when I get the mod done. Really what was the purpose in hiding such nice Rims?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I share the opinion you do about the 15" wheel covers for gen IIIs, but the two prong fork wheel look is even worse.
I totally get it! I accidentally drove over a puddle covered pot hole and lost a wheel cover. Didn't notice it till the day after when I thought I lost a wheel cap. I was thinking of removing the other wheel covers and didn't think I could just get wheel caps. I'm going to do the same. :cheer2:
Here is a link to another forum on the same subject. It shows 2 versions that will fit our Prii. I ordered the more textured ones with the raised Toyota emblem. They aren't as chromed either. I ordered Part #4260352110 from Just select Toyota as the manufacture catalogue and plug in that number in the Parts Number search section on the left side of the screen.