So I am almost done with the stereo install (well the shop is almost done rather).. I need to know by tomorrow afternoon where I want the tweeter to be placed. Any suggestions on tweeter install? They want to put them directly into the factory 3" spot where the squwaker was. Not sure how it is going to sound.. I know with my untrained ear I probably won't tell a difference.. But I am wondering with you more experienced people what you think. Suggestions. I have seen some in the A Pillar on the Gen IIs but The Gen III is a little different in that A Pillar area.. Plus it's going to cost more if they have to remake an A Pillar.. Should I just put it in the dash and call it a day? Should I somehow get them to mount it up high on the door? Thanks Ryan
I would run speakers with more range up front (for instance - 3.5" two ways for the squakers). I have tweets in the A pillar, and 3.5s for the squaker...
Assuming you stayed with the 2-way component, squawker location will look cleaner. Higher freqs are directional and will reflect off the windshield. As I mentioned before with my 3-way install, we placed the tweeter temporarily (with Velcro/rug tape) in various locations to listen before deciding. Take some time to go down there and have them work with you on this. I'm sure they have other things to do, but free advertising is good if you are happy with the results. I wanted to place my mid and tweet both under the grill, but no room with out major surgery. These guys probably know what they are doing, but trust "your" ears. Let us know how it turns out.
I agree. Use velcro until you find the spot you love. Tweeters are so easy to install anywhere. Its figuring it out where it sounds best that takes time.
which 3" did you go with? I would have to run them off the Avic N4 internal amp though, so would it even be worth it? I did go with the 2 way actually.. My DLS 3" wouldn't fit up front in there as it was way too big without major cutting. I was also worried about having to tune that as well. Thanks for the input so far guys Ryan
I stuck mine in the pillar location. I had pods made that just ist in place. They are not glued or screwed yet they stay put. Unfortunately, the guys you are working with will probably charge you two days worth of work for these.
He used a round and flat piece if wood with a hole in the middle that was sized for the tweeter. He then put tape over my vent cover (the plastic piece in the photo and used it to form the bottom of the mold. Then you work with fiberglass cloth and stretch it over the whole unit and apply the resin. Once it was cured he could remove the plastic vent cover (the fiberglass resin didn't stick because he used the tape). It's a bit more complicated than that but he had it all set up and ready to cure within an hour or so. Then he covered the unit with matching vinyl. It was pretty sweet. It was the only place I could put my over-sized tweeters without cutting.
Those ARE kick nice person.. I love them. Are they too bright? I listened to the system today with the tweeters in the stock 3" location and they sound OK.. I mean the sub and bass part is great.. I mean great.. the midrange and the tweeter sound decent. I thought with 100x4 going to the rear doors and front component set it would be MUCH MUCH louder.. it's not. I like those tweeters since they are aimed right at the passenger (and assume the driver) and would be well Louder right? Not bad louder, not BRIGHT loud, just clearer. and yeah they probably would cost me a days worth of labor for that whole part...considering they got me for 2 full days worth of labor for the sub box. Ryan
Ryan, No they are not too bright. They were a $1,500 set of speakers so they damned well better be smooth! The tweeters are aimed such that the passenger side is pointed towards the driver and the driver's side tweeter is pointed at the passenger. The reason for this is you want the sound from both tweeters to reach your ears at the same time. If you aim the driver's side tweeter right at the driver then you will hear that speaker first and it throws off imaging. Ideally the singer's voice should be centered in the middle of the car and not sound like it is coming from your left door. I didn't try too hard for imaging and staging though. I make up for unequal speaker distance with the digital time alignment feature in my headunit. It works well enough for me.
Update: I went with the in dash squaker location for my tweeters.. They are pointed at the windshield and they actually sounds really good (to me and the audio guy, but who knows if he was just appeasing me to make his job easier). They sound smooth and not bright. The DLS tweeters play plenty loud when i turn up the volume and I really like it. They system overall pounds WAY louder than I thought, but I will make another thread with pics and details in the next few days. Ryan
As I mentioned before learning...there are infinite choices and infinitely more opinions. The only one that really matters is "yours", and that you like it. Look forward to the pics and details. Congratulations!
Thanks man.. The car is in for clear bra right now, so I get it back tomorrow night. I will post pics on Saturday or Sunday with full write up. Just a few things done, but they make me really happy with the car. Just need to get the fog lights installed now. Ryan