i am most excited about low spec version, hows that looking? some complained about it looking low res... but this is going to be standard in most future toyotas, from base models onwards... so i think it is great progress... i have no interest in paying $2k for higher res nav model
I'll be honest, for a low(er) end unit, I thought it worked flawlessly and the resolution was fine by me. It's resolution being bad never was mentioned by any one of the 4 of us in the car.
awesome . That baby is going into every future toyota, from base model up. Yaris is getting it standard in all but base version (which is sold to fleets). Although I think Toyota Europe is doing it much better. They call full system Toyota Touch and Go.... you get Toyota Touch standard, and you can spend $500 for Go part (Entune Nav/Maps) if you want... otherwise you are still left with nice touch screen system for music/mp3/ipod/usb, rear camera, and trip info.
I said, "I want a classic rock radio station." It said, "setting temperature to 74 degrees." Just kidding.
The part that impressed me the most was the Bing search function. You could search for anything and send it to the nav. For me, it's a step up in navigation functionality. Right now, if I was driving and I wanted Red Robin's, I would have to go "Destination --> Point of Interest --> Near Here (or Along Route) --> Restaurants and pray that there's a Red Robin's nearby (it only lists the closest 3 results). With Bing search, you just say "Red Robin's Restaurant" and it'll search for it, list the results in order of relevance and then you can just press "MAP" and it'll take you to the nav screen. The only downside is that it takes a while to search but it's waaaay more user friendly than the Toyota nav system. As for the 6.1" system, I thought the resolution was good for a base unit. It's not gonna win any awards for sure. I thought that the nav looked pretty clunky (like one of the older Garmin units) but the resolution for other users (weather, stocks, Pandora) was good enough. Response on this unit was quick. Some of the voice commands don't work. I tried using "Mark" to mark the current location so that I could navigate back to the start point and that command wasn't recognised (it works on the full nav system I have in my 2010 Prius). I also found it odd that the base unit gets weather (current, 5-day and radar) and I couldn't find it on the top navigation version.
Great!! you will love your Leaf. like my Prius, my Leaf has an unlimited range! 6300 miles so far and have never run out of power!
i think this is a natural progression from the "all manual input" Nav we have now. i can plan a route in Google Maps on my home computer then select the option to "send to car" and its uploaded to my Leaf. i think this will become the de facto standard as media companies like FB, MS and Google vie for our driving time which is heretofore untrodden territory other than one way communication options like radio
Even that would almost work for me. Unfortunately my 120+ miles a day worth of driving leaves me with range anxiety.
Nissan does expect to increase battery capacity in the next 3-5 years but implies that the increase will allow a cheaper entry into the market. i am guessing that the 120-150 mile "freeway range pack" will be an option. i personally think that multiple charging stations will be a more viable option. it would be great if every parking space in town had a plug.
Toyota Prius V first look from Consumer Reports! DFW Auto Review: Toyota Prius V first look from Consumer Reports
Interesting Prius v vs, 1995 Honda Odyssey by Motortrend, Prius c is not involved! About Time Machine: Prius v Takes Me Past and Present - Motor Trend Blog
Ron must be the next generation of blogger at MT. He actually focused on the efficiency and emission! Gone are the days of speed and rubber burning.
How about seating position? Is it higher than a GenII or III? I'm considering suggesting the Pv to my aging parents. But I know they're not fond of lowering themselves into my 2007, or getting back out again. Higher seats like you find in a minivan are probably required for them. - D
It's higher but I think we're talking an inch or so compared to the standard Prius. We're not talking SUV height for sure.