Hi all Let me try repost this as my last post was deleted. I just inherited an 08 Prius a few months ago. 85000 miles on it. Had it in the shop to replace the PVC valve. All the fluids were topped off. They gave me a long list of things that needed to be done but thanks to all the good information here I declined. BTW what is a air conditioning service, besides dealership profit? Long story short I am on a long road trip. Temps in the 90's, MPH's @ 75 to 80. Normally the energy monitor's battery shows 6 bars. Toward the end of the day it was showing a steady 4 bars. Any cause for concern? Now that I am here in Idaho it seems that the battery will not recharge past 4 bars unless I am going down a mountain side. Is this normal? Thanks for any information or links if this has already been covered! CTB
Welcome, looks like your 1'st post was moved, just guessing as this is listed as your second post... I would be more concerned with the 12v battery, it's age and condition. With temps in the 90's and high speeds your traction battery is along for the ride, after you get thru the heat spell and settle down to normal usage so will your traction battery, if it were lighting up errors on your dash display it would be of immediate concern.
If it drops to 1 bar and the engine is struggling mightily, while going up a pass in the right lane and everyone is passing you, that is the time to worry. If you hear the HV battery fan in the back seat running a lot, worry. But I suspect that high speeds and heavy A/C use are the culprits.
According to efusco he did delete it. This is what I PM'ed him................................... You recently deleted all my posts. The reason that I was posting none contained content of value was the original post would not post due to "You are only allowed to post URLs to other sites after you have made 5 posts or more. If you have a link to a news item or tip that you would like to share, please use the Contact link at the bottom right of this page." There were no URL's. So What I did was to post 1,2,3,4,5 posts to get my five posts in. Apparently efusco took this as a trolling attack. Which I understand. There still is a problem regarding this I beleave. I PMed efusco this and either he did not read my whole PM or I did not explain myself. The only reason I could even post here was that I put in the title, put one word in the message and then posted it. Then I went back and edited it. And now when I tried to fuzzy1's message I got the same thing about not being able to post url's................................................ So yea think there is a problem on my end or yours?
Okay, so you didn't get the most graceful of introductions to Prius Chat. It might help if you use the Quick Reply box for your next two posts. Anyway, did you have any more questions about this particular issue with your car?
Absolutely not true--there is NO need to worry even if the battery drops to 1 bar--while the ICE will work harder and you'll notice a loss of power b/c of the lack of battery boost there is nothing at all to worry about. The battery will charge back up as soon as there are conditions that allow the ICE to do so without straining. The reason the battery level (SOC = state of charge) is lower in the hotter weather is b/c the AC is drawing a lot more juice. But there's no problem, no risk and nothing at all to worry about.
I only deleted your empty posts, your original 7/24 post is still up: http://priuschat.com/forums/newbie-forum/96305-hi.html I read your reply and chose to ignore it, there are plenty of opportunities to make quality replies to other posts--welcome another newbie, reply to a pointless FHOP thread, whatever.
I very respectfully disagree. If a Prius is struggling mightily up a pass with 1 bar SoC at 50 mph while getting passed by everyone else who are doing 70 mph, that is not normal. What is your opinion on the recent thread where Toyota is apparently replacing a worn but not yet coding traction battery? http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-main-forum/95641-power-loss-low-battery-during-climb.html
You are free to disagree, but you'd still be incorrect. While power is low that is b/c all your power is coming from the ICE specifically to protect the traction battery. Indeed, you may even be getting less than full power from the ICE since it could be feeding energy back to the battery to protect it from becoming over depleted. So, while your power may be low, the system is I'm zero danger of damage. The battery being replaced w/o codes is an entirely different issue. iPhone ?
Under normal circumstances, you are obviously correct. But what about a behavioral change? Every so often, someone posts here with an issue like the one referenced, where a car that once performed at a certain respectable level has changed to dismal, it seems hv battery related, but no one can find anything wrong with it. Now Toyota is prepared to replace a battery without codes for exactly this issue. That's the point that I am trying to make: changes in driveability like this in an older car are an indication of wear, tear and age on the HV battery. Does that wear/tear/age-induced problem imply impending failure? I can't answer that unless I can get my hands on one of these cars and run some tests. It remains to be seen as well if Toyota will make a regular practice of replacing batteries for poor performance, or modifying the hv battery ecu to prevent the need for heavy charging in the middle of a climb.
So I made back home and everything is back to normal. That little four banger was a screaming in the mountians, but it did its job. I am really loving this car. 4500 mile round trip and I averaged 46 mpg's. Thanks all for the info.
I don't think so. After I posted my five posts I put down my concern about the energy monitor's battery I even got a reply or two. That was deleted along with the empty posts. All I was trying to do is point out, for what I saw, a problem. I am done with this conversation...........................................................