Waiting for my first Prius but I have a question: I charge my phone, iPad2 (with an inverter), camera battery and other devices often when traveling, in addition to using my Garmin GPS that is plugged in. In our Ford Explorer, while traveling this doesn't affect the car's battery at all. Will this affect our Prius III adversely if I'm always running other accessories or charging devices while driving? Being the electrical system has 2 batteries in the Prius, it's confusing to me how this all works. Thanks!
There are two power outlets, both switched. One is in the front under the "bridge" that holds the shifter; the other is inside the arm rest box toward the rear. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...-discussion/66563-max-amps-power-outlets.html Of course the outlets run from the 12Volt system. When the car is in Ready mode (meaning it is ready to drive) the 12V system is being charged from the hybrid system so you won't run down the 12V battery. When the car is in the On or Accessory modes the hybrid system is off so anything plugged in will run from the 12V battery. The 12V battery isn't very big and you can run it down a lot quicker than a normal car battery. When it is run down the Prius won't start. My solution is to make sure the car is either in Ready or Off when I have things plugged in the power outlets.
Will you see any change in gas mileage? I mean theoretically it should make a difference, but will it even be noticeable for a cell phone or 2?
An iPhone battery is around 5Wh. Charging it from empty to full will thus take 0.00014 gallons of gasoline (minus efficiency losses) An iPad battery is around 40 Wh, so 0.0012 gallons.
That's the answer I was looking for. But I'm not cool enough for an iphone or ipad, I'm all androidddddddddddd.
This is a great forum, I had my question all ready and actually found the answer before asking. I have a GPS, a radio & a heated seat.....and if they are all plugged in & running (not charging, just running and activated) while car is in READY mode and driving, this should be safe and will not harm anything. Hope this is correct as I have a gadget where I can plug several items in at once (under the bridge area). Now, someone mentioned above that "charging a device" will use a small amount of gasoline, but non-charging units that are powered up and running, would that have the same effect on gas mileage or even less?:juggle: thanks
Charging is irrelevant; only total energy consumption matters. All electricity in a Prius comes from burning gas, so any electrical power pulled from the outlets will consume some gasoline. On the other hand, the amount of gasoline used is tiny; so tiny that you won't be able to tell, assuming you aren't running a space heater or server farm. Tom
nope....the heaviest would be the heated seat pad/cushion in Jan,Feb & March, just the winter months.
being a minutiae nazi, I'd maybe have to add ... 'almost' all electricity in a Prius comes from burning gas ... if you count the Prius IV with its solar powered ventilation. The OP btw is in NM ... so it's likely he won't be hard core running the seat's heating, even in January, unless he's up skiing in the mountains.
The original OP was from New Mex, I'm from NS and I do use my heating cushion on some cold February mornings....wanna warm arse before getting to work, lol.
Okay, you got me on that one. I also didn't include the static charge generated when you slide your butt over the cloth seats. Tom