This is what happens when a '94 Dodge Ram 1500 doesn't see you. I was driving, my wife was in the passenger seat. We're fine, she just got some bruises. I have to say, after that accident I think the Prius did an awesome job of keeping me and my wife safe. We're now looking at getting another one.
how the hell did a chunk of your passenger rear rim get ripped off when he hit u on the opposite side?
He pushed me up on the curb. I was so shaken I didn't take a picture of that side of my car until yesterday at the repair facility. I'm just glad we missed the light post on the corner.
What you don't think they can buff that out? I love(d) my '09 Prius. The repair facility told me $17,650 and told me they stopped after hitting that much even though they were sure there was more damage. Gotta wait on the insurance company to get back to me though to find out how much my offer will be for it. It was an '09 Package 5 with less than 28,000 miles.
Good thing for side bags!!! Hope you get a good dollar from it as it looked to be in top condition! Hope all works out the way it should for you. Hal
I believe the tire is cut & part of the sidewall is over the rim. Pushing the car sideways popped the tire off the rim. Start shopping for a 2011.
Wow, from the pictures it looks like much less damage, 2 doors, straighten the pillars, and a rim. Looks like something I could fix for $5000. What else is wrong with it?
Wow, you guys were lucky! Thankfully. Good luck with the insurance company. Hope you get enough to get what you want!
my brother just totaled my parents 05 prius with nav about a month ago. it had 71,000 miles and the insurance gave them $21,000. they bought a new 2011 III with it. we bought our cars the same day
What a deal, drive a car for 71K 6 years later get 2/3 of original cost (?) I'll take that any day. Sorry about the accident though, hope your brother wan't hurt.
my bro was fine. not even a scratch. ran into the guy in front of him that stopped prematurely. he slammed the braked but it was raining and he slid under the trucks bumper. the body shop told them they should expect about 13,000. then ins came thru.
Talk to Steve at Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicle PHEV about the value of your totaled Prius before letting your insurance company take the car. He goes by the name "IMWoody" here on PriusChat and rebuilds salvaged Prii in southern Indiana (A 3 hour drive from you) JeffD
Looks like only 1 curtain airbag. The car looks like it should drive OK as is. 2 salvage doors $1000 1 new airbag $1000 Labor to straighten pillar & fix 1/4 panel + hang doors $2000 Paint $500 Misc $500 Not actually seeing the car makes this a rough guess, but I did this already with 1 Prius.