Infinity 60.7cs / 62.7i install in JBL Prius

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by PilotChris, Nov 16, 2005.

  1. PilotChris

    PilotChris New Member

    Apr 22, 2005

    Perhaps without thinking enough about it, I ordered the Infinity 60.7cs and 62.7i speakers to upgrade my #6/JBL Prius. My thinking at the time was that the components would replace the front component set, and I mistakenly remembered the rear speakers as being non-seperate, which, of course, they aren't. So, I'm seeing two problems/unanswered questions:

    1) I haven't seen any specific reference or how-to guide on mounting the infinity component tweeter as a replacement for the JBL seperate tweeter. Can anybody tell me if this will be a problem?

    2) If I use the 62.7i for my rear doors, as planned, should I just disconnect the stock seperate tweeter and leave it there for looks? Is there any significant advantage to going with seperates in the rear as well as the front? Honestly, I don't care too much about the sound for the rear seats -- it's just rear fill for the fronts in my case.

  2. tmorrowus

    tmorrowus Member

    Dec 30, 2003
    You should be fine putting in coax speakers in the rear and just disconnecting the factory rear tweeters.
  3. motnamser

    motnamser New Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    So how did it sound with the infinity speakers replacing the JBL speakers?
  4. PilotChris

    PilotChris New Member

    Apr 22, 2005
    I haven't done it yet. The Infinity speakers are sitting at the UPS depot a block from my house, but I'm going to add the B-Quiet material to the doors at the same time and that's stuck on the Canada-US border at the moment!

    I'll report back here when I have some results!

  5. silentak1

    silentak1 Since 2005

    Jul 1, 2005
    2010 Prius
    I have the 62.7i all around in my pkg3. The sound is VERY clear and it can withstand much higher levels of music, however the bass is disappointing. To me, the bass is similar to the stock speakers. Overall, a great buy if you are planning on adding a small subwoofer.
  6. Erick

    Erick Member

    Apr 3, 2005
    Los Angeles
    I have to agree. I had these Infinity speakers in my last car and they sound really nice but they do lack the bass. A powered sub for the rear is a really good idea...
  7. leeskarha

    leeskarha New Member

    May 23, 2005
    I just finished my install of the Infinity 60.7s in my 05 package #6 (JBL system) yesterday. I have to admit I was very surprised in difference this upgrade made. Install was very smooth. I did have to drill new holes for the mains and use the adapter that came with the speaker kit. The fronts are an easy upgrade. Do not use the crossover that comes with the speakers. The JBL amp has the cross over built in.

    The rear speakers are full range so you will need to disconnect the tweeter as it has a crossover built in. Thereby leaving the full range signal to power the new speakers.

    For my money (and more importantly time) I put 60.7s in the rear too. Connect the rear line to the supplied Infinity crossover and run two wires, one to the main and the other to the tweeter. The sound is wonderful. The muddy base is gone. Just crisp tight music. I love it.

    A side note: I did install Dyanmat Extreme and a Basslink sub first, but I consider this speaker upgrade to be the most important contribution to the sound system. Even with the sub disconnected the base is very good, add the sub and WOW!
    kenoarto likes this.
  8. PilotChris

    PilotChris New Member

    Apr 22, 2005
    Interesting. I have 50 ft^2 of B-Quiet on a UPS truck somewhere near the US-Canada border... How would you characterize the difference made by your Dynamat Extreme install?

    Thanks for the other comments! Based on these experiences, I decided to just re-ebay the 62.7i and bought another 60.7cs set for the rears.

  9. leeskarha

    leeskarha New Member

    May 23, 2005
    You’ll be glad you went with the 60.7s. There a great match for the JBL amp (2 ohms).

    As for they Dynamat Install, let’s just say it was a lot of work. It did make a difference but I’m not sure it was worth the time or $$s. I have pics I’ll post here soon. I installed it on the outside door panel and the inner panel. I used about 45 ft. It made the biggest difference around the speaker. (Took care of all rattles.) If I had to do it again I would just put some on the outer panels and round/behind the speakers. I have about 5 feet left and will throw that in the hatch area.

    I feel the speaker upgrade was by far the biggest bang for the bucks. I got the speakers off e-bay for around $350 for all four. The next improvement was made by installing an Infinity Basslink Sub. (I already had it from my previous car.) I posted my install pics here last month. It is a good match for the 60.7s. The last is the Dynamat.

    If you want to talk before you do the install send me a message and we can chat. (I don’t have time to write a speaker install but it was similar to Sparky’s instructions.)

    I love the system now. There is no doubt that these upgrades are well worth it those who want a great sound system for the Prius. The only thing that is missing is MP3 which I am waiting to see if the 06 JBL unit can be dropped in my 05. Otherwise I will purchase an Ipod and adapter.
