just reporting the buttons: Power, scan , am, fm , disk/aux, also the disc load and eject buttons just stop working. Sometimes powering the car off/on seems to correct it though not always. Made an apt. with the local Toyota dealer and they died the night before and were dead in the morning when I drove it to the dealer, and of naturally when the service tech starts it up- it all works. Well at least I reported it. '06 Pkg 5 , 6 disc JBL, service tech said they replace the entire radio, sounds like overkill but I guess they don't stock sub-assemblies.
I have the same problem, which is slightly different than most others describe: the radio works fine but the row of buttons between the two knobs are unresponsive. Sound is the usual mediocre sound, and steering buttons work as usual. Are you saying that there's a service bulletin for this? Josh
My 2007 had this problem too and after two visits to my toyota dealer they changed my entire radio. As ETP said very often a easy solution was to push on plastic trim. In the spanish prius community (mitoyotaprius.com) have had some cases and always the only solution was to change the entire radio. Also note that always were JBL 6cd radios
Hi All After reading about radio troubles on this forum, the day after mine did the same I reported it to the dealer who booked the car in for a wait appointment some five days later, two days after I reported it it went out again, so went to the dealer with it not working, the Techie guy said he would log it, when I went to the appointment 3 days later, the service manager after taking the car into the work shop came and said they could find nothing wrong, I related this story to him, me telling him it had packed up 3-4 times since I booked the car in, and that their guy had logged it, ok he said off he went, an hour later he handed me my keys saying they had fitted a new radio, they do this as they do not have a electronic guy to sort the radios. So we also have the problem in the UK. MGnut
Hello - I have the same problem on my 2006 Prius. Started at approx. 25k (car is now at 90k), and when I took it in, the dealer service said that they couldn't find the problem, and would have to just replace the entire radio for approx. $800 - which was not covered by warranty. Since the buttons on the steering wheel still worked properly (and have continued to do so), I have just learned to "live with it". (and save the $800) The other "quirk" (which has provided our family with some added entertainment) - is that the volume will intermittently and without warning - start to fluctuate up and down, without us having touched any controls. It will do it for about 15-30 seconds, and then stop. It'll sometimes do it 2-3 times in a week - and then go for 3-4 months without doing it. Is this a Toyota "feature"?
Had my '06 in today for its 90K service at 94.2K. I've had the same problem probably since I got it, and decided to finally tell them (after "living with it") since my extended warranty is going to end at 100K. They pulled the radio to send off for repair/replacement. And yes, the problem was known to them. I usually just smacked the radio to make it change.