This aspect delayed my move to a hybrid. To replace an aging Accord Hatchback, I'd have bought a blend-with-the-crowd Civic Hybrid a couple years earlier if Civics still had hatchbacks. But I don't do sedans. Everything else about the 2010 Prius was compelling enough to overcome my objection to its conspicuousness. Many others drivers locally seem to have similar feelings, except for the sedan objection. After Prius, I'm spotting more Civic Hybrids on the road than all other hybrids and EVs combined.
Eh...that doesn't make sense to me. The Prius is still one of the best performing hybrid cars of all time (the only one that can beat is is the 1st generation Insight). When I was shopping for cars, what struck me about the Prius was that it was one of the strongest performers for fuel economy while sill being close to mid-sized car. Seriously: before my Camry broke down, I was starting to think about saving some gas money by getting either a scooter or Smart car. Now I have a much larger Prius...but it still has better mileage then any of the options I was thinking at the time (and they also would have proved to have really low crash saftey standards).
The whole thing seems to ignore the fact that not all hybrids are created equal and that the Prius is by far the superior hybrid vehicle (no bias there, right?).
I tried hard not to buy a Prius, but I eventually came on one from the back and noticed the cargo room before the brand.
there are a multitude of reasons why people choose prius. it has been hashed out here many many times. unfortunately, i have not made one friend or encountered one business opportunity because of my choice of vehicles. if anything, people shun me and look away when i step out of my car.
I couldn't give a rat's @$$ what anyone thought of the car I drive. On that same score, I think people who conspicuously consume through their penile implants, I mean SUVs, should get a drubbing, but I keep my mouth shut out of courtesy for them. If they want to say something about my ride, and people usually only say nice things, I look past them, act like I didn't hear them, and change the subject. Then I can see they realize what a rat's @$$ they have been (see what I did there?) :yo:
We waited seems like decade for CAMRY hybrid instead of Prius. But changed mind when TCH finally came out. Prius seemed better.
I find their thesis to be "generally" true. But in an ironic twist of fate, I live in Boulder County (10 miles from Boulder), I drive a Prius and I have solar panels on my home. However, I am a conservative and like another poster stated, I don't give a shiite what other people think is the reason I bought the Prius (and installed the PV array). I'm not trying to save anything but my money. I'm not trying to make anything smaller but my debt. I actually bought both in order to diversify out of dollars and into, in these cases, MPG's and KWH's. And with the government tax incentives, it was a prudent thing to do. Solar Thermal is my next project. P.S. Where do I get my $7000 promised in the story?