I was implying that, unlike DDT or CFC's, maybe there is not a strong enough technical argument to convince the whole world to take draconian measuers against CO2 (eg; "ban"). The world as whole probably does accept that climate change is happening - excluding denialists. In a larger sense, it does not matter what they think because what is lacking - even among believers - is global support for the notion that short-term, world wide stoppage of fossil fuel use is required. Now after 7 days of 100F+ here in D.C., I must say I am wondering a little.
how about the big picture... the worlds leaders know we are running out of fossil fuels so the make up as much as they can to get people to change thereby preventing future anarchy. it's all about keeping a worldwide status quo
SlowT- You must be from South Jersey (like I was). Yes I do agree resource convervation needed to prevent running out. But I did not think about the future anarchy idea. Good proposal.
it's not if but when. conservation hopefully gets us to alternative energy sources before the earth explodes.
So we are looking to Mel Gibson films for our predictions now? The Road Warrior was a movie about nuclear war, not running out of gas. Hence all those vehicles driving around in it.
Why not? It would be as accurate and informative as anything in the mass media news. CNN, FOX, ABC....heck even NPR is eschewing news for 'entertainment' (ratings). Concur. It's been a while since I've seen that movie....but they did have quite a few cars zipping around for a post apocoliptic period....
I had another insight, after watching a number of denialist (IMHO) videos recently. Especially in a debate type setting, if someone is not interested in whether their listener is following the argument, they are more likely to be a denier. Someone trying to convince someone else, will stop to make sure they are understood, or will rephrase. Someone trying to convince only themselves, doesn't need to do that.
We are presently living in one of the COLDEST times weve had on Earth for the past 10,000 years. If you dont understand that statement its because you have been brainwashed with doomers Bullsh!t. Google it. BTW we are about to enter into a Solar minimum phase which will bring cooling for the next 20-30 years. If were lucky it isnt the beginning of the next 100,000 year ice age.
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