I had the SSC_50d recall service done yesterday at my local dealer, along with checking why I hav a CEL light come on. Called them last week for CEL and was told to drive it as it was probable aan emission fault. Naturally the CEL went out the day befor going in after a week wait befor the appoint ment. What I was wondering is I thought I'd read here that after doing the reprograming there was supposed to be a sticker under hood or somewhere noting the SSC had beed done. And that the reprogramming would cause the the tank milage on the display to be wiped out. My current tank milage is intact so wondering if they really did anything to my car. Is ther anything I can do to confirm the recall work actually was done. Am thinging they might be too scared to mess with the computers for fear of frying them
They put my stickers on the door-jamb of the drivers door, not under the hood. The CEL could have been because your gas cap wasn't tight. Dealers often now tell people to check the gas cap then drive for a few days before looking at CELs.
Ya I checked there but saw no new stickers. what made my think about it was the display tank milage hadn't changed after.
My display milage wasn't reset when I went in for the recall either. I didn't look for stickers, but if a dealership wanted to say they did it when they really didn't then the stickers could still be put on pretty easily. I think we just have to trust that it was done unless we experience the stall problem the recall was designed to prevent.
When I picked up my car after the reprogramming was done the MPG was at 34, when I took it in the MPG was at 50. Also the battery charge displayed only 2 red bars. Ther is a sticker on my door jam. My car had been reprogrammed last summer after it stalled on the road. At that time the MPG had not been changed after it was done. I had the car in for the 60,000 mile service and when I picked it up they told me it was in the coomputer for the SSC so they did the reprogramming along with the 60,000 mile service. I have not received the notice in the mail yet. I don't think they would lie about doing it because it would be too easy to catch them if they were lying. On the other hand they might have just over looked doing it. If you can't find a sticker I think you should ask for one or ask them to check to make sure it was actually done. It would be nice to know for sure if your car does stall sometime in the future.
I think that if the dealer said they did it why would they not? As much as I can be suspicious about dealers on the charges and money issues the service I have gotten at dealers has been mostly good. I have had a few, I can't find it, but I have never had any evidence that work that they said was done was not done. When you are talking computer programing it is tougher particularly if you can not easily check the software version. It seems to be there computer not mine.
My letter showed up yesterday. When I get whatever NAV update I end up with done, I'll have that done too. Not that I want it. I just don't want to blame myself if the car finally stalls. If it stalls after that, I'll blame Toyota. Loudly. Everywhere...
I'm operating from memory here, but if I recall the tech document about SSC50P, the sticjer is to be placed under the hood, drivers side towards the back edge of the hood (nearest the driver).
There are two stickers we are supposed to pu on, one about 1 inch by 1.5 inches on the door jam, and another one under the hood. both sets of stickers are concidered by toyota not as parts, but as essential tools like pens and staples....toyota won't buy them and some parts managers won't either. The underhood ones are about $5.00, and the jam ones are ordered by 1000 at a time. Some people get as mad about having the jam stickers as those that did not get them. To say you did a reflash and not do it is instant termination here as well as many other dealers I would suspect. It's theft as far as toyota(and I) are concerned. Regards, Mike
and actually the jam sticker is snet to the customers in the letter packet and most folks do not bring it in with them, or do not wait to get the letter to get the updates. The jam stickers are an unnessisary throwback to the days when we had no internet/pc accsess to service records from other dealers. Now days with your vin I can tell what has been done and where. It is the ASM's job to double check at write-up, but if the tech does not do it and performs a recall that has been done, toyota kicks back the repair, the dealer will not get paid, and that means the flate rate mechanic does not get paid. I have a pc next to my toolbox and I check all of them, "trust nobody". Regards, Mike
I didn't get any stickers with my letter. Tech document says the dealer is to provide and install the stickers. Besides, if a TSB indicates that a recalibration is in order, the customer clearly wouldn't have a sticker to give to the dealer. The sticker is there to indicate an authorized change to the ECU programmings.