We have a few dozen '10 Prius' at work. When I make stops and get out of the car, I like to lock my doors while the car is running so nobody can steal anything inside the car. I tried closing the door and touching the handle on both sides but I just get a long beep tone which lasts about 10 seconds. And sure enough, the door doesn't lock. Any help with this? I hate leaving the car unlocked and I'm used to our old cars where you were able to take the key out of the ignition and lock the doors while the car was still running.
Why are you leaving them running? The whole point of the Prius is to save gas by shutting off the ICE when the car is not in use. What kind of car was that? I'm not familiar with many new cars but I've never seen one that allowed you to remove the key with the engine running.
Yes, I noticed the metal key in the fob. However it was just a tad inconvenient to manually lock the door with the key every time I jump out of the car. I just wanted to clarify if that was the only way to lock the car or not. Actually the Internal Combustion Engine shuts itself off and runs on battery power below 10 miles an hour, or idling. Our older cars are Crown Victoria's and Expeditions. It is not a factory option. The place I worked for needed to install an aftermarket kit that plugged into a few things under the dash. It basically allowed the keys to be put in the off position so you can take the keys out (while keeping the car running) and also locked the shifter column in place so you couldn't put the car in Drive and steal it. You needed to place the keys back in the column, put them back in the on position and then you'd be able to shift back in drive.
In fact it will shut off at speeds much higher than that. Under certain conditions, I have seen it run ICE-off at 40-45mph. I'm still unclear why you want to leave it running?? Is it simply to avoid pushing just one button (the Power button?)?? If you don't push the Power button you still have to push the Park button anyway (if you push the Power button it puts the car in Park automatically). If you want to leave the car ON to keep the AC running while you are out of the car, it will consume battery power (restarting the ICE if needed) which will cost gas use to recharge the battery and reduce the mpg.
OK, an alternative: 1. be sure driver window button is set to auto roll-up 2. roll down driver window 3. exit car 4. reach in and press lock button 5. reach in and pull driver window button up; quickly remove arm you will probably still need metal key to unlock car.
The long beep indicates that you are not shutting the Prius down. So, what "equipment" is in the car that needs to keep running? If you have to leaving the Prius "on" when you get out, then press the lock button on the fob. The metal key is only for emergencies.
LMAO! There's an idea! I'll have to play around with it tonight when I go to work. Another thing I was thinking that I don't know if I tried was just pushing the manual lock lever back in the lock position before I close the door. But I thought I tried that already. Unlocking the car isn't an issue because our cars have the feature where you touch the door handle (considering you have the Fob on you) and it automatically unlocks.
Not necessarily. It's possible that Toyota programmed the SKS so that if you're in the car and it's running and the doors are locked, the SKS touch and unlock (and maybe even the unlock button on the FOB ) is disabled. Think about being in the shady part of town and someone reaches for your door handle. Do you want that happening? You might just consider getting a copy of the metal key made and putting it on your keyring. Think about the possibility of accidentally leaving your FOB inside the car while going through the 'alternate locking procedure'.
Haven't tested this but its worth a try... When you park, hit the power button to turn off the car. Now hit the power button again WITHOUT your foot on the brake — this will put it into accessory mode without the engine running and MAY allow you to lock the doors. HOWEVER, be aware that the equipment you have running will run down the battery which, without the car being 'ready', will not be recharged until you return.
Try contacting someone at Toyota. Perhaps the Fleet Sales Rep that sold your company the cars could get you some "inside" tech assistance expert.
Like I said, I'll mess with it tonight and post back if I figure something out incase anyones interested. I'm not too savvy when it comes to these cars because I've never played with them before. I'm talking about a police department here. We have several Prius' used for our detectives and probation officers. (We also have three marked ones, those are an eyesore). We have two way radios and laptops installed in the cars (with what little space we had to begin with). Last thing I want is to be stranded in the middle of the ghetto because some G swiped my ride when I got out of the car. Not because of the car, or the radio, or the computer, but because my lunch is in my backpack along with my Ipod and all my other junk. You'd think someone would have to be pretty ballsy to steal a marked police car, but it's happened to us twice in the last year. We had one of our Escape Hybrid's stolen last fall. We found it the next night torched in a sump. However that wasn't a marked vehicle. It was a Probation car. As for the second one, well, we never found that one, lol.
Can you post a photo of the Gen 3 Prius marked police car? A black and white unit would look way cool.
If you have a Viper alarm system installed it has a pit stop mode that will let you get out of the car while the engine is running and lock the doors using the FOB. It will only let the car run for 60 min at a time.
Wow, amazing stuff! I bet Toyota would be eager to help you guys out. The visibility and potential market would be huge. But I do have to smile. Maybe times have changed since my last excursion through sketchy parts of Bridgeport, but I'd think a Prius - marked or not - would really stand out in the ghetto. Though I suppose clean blackwalled Crown Vics stood out too.
Just be careful with this - leaving the car running, no matter what method you use to lock the doors, won't stop a thief from stealing the car. They just have to knock out a window first, and then they can drive it anywhere they want to. They'll be able to take it anywhere they want, until they turn it off. (Though it will continue to beep three times whenever a door is closed, as it always does when a door is closed but the fob isn't inside the vehicle.)
does no one listen to the op? police department. nobody is going to take this car. if they do, they'll pay. what model is your car? while on and with key in hand, does it beep 3 times if you exit the vehicle and close the door. as mentioned above, rolling down the window "" is the only way to lock the doors with the car running. never leave the car sitting without being fully on.... if you do, your equipment will drain the 12v battery over time (fairly short)... as a tip... if you are doing this all day long, set the auto climate control to a fair temperature and leave it there... don't turn it off because the system catching up will drain more fuel in the end. i would expect a gallon of fuel for every 4 to 8 hours running with the a/c on (very rough estimates)
I played with it tonight. Yup, there's no way to lock the car with it running. I'll just leave the car unlocked when i leave it. I hope my Chicken Salad will be safe.
You need to read the OP's earlier post: He's a detective or a probation officer so his Prius is unmarked and hence more likely to be stolen than the painted-up marked patrol cars.