Don't want to pay income taxes? Many don't. Usually they are the ones who firmly believe they don't owe future generations anything. They'll take from society, but not give back. It's really quite easy... just don't give your social security number or address to any future employers. Work for cash. Personally, being a good Democrat, I thank and honor those who came before me and provided my education and all the other good things society provides. I give back gladly. I always vote for school tax increases (I'm childless so this could be construed as altruistic). I pay my income taxes even tho I wish I could designate where the $ goes (and doesn't). I volunteer in my community. I give to charity...and I am in the Majority of the populace who does all the above because it is the right thing to do, not because I am 'special'.
It's the obligation of every American Citizen to question their government AND exercise legal tax avoidance :lol:
$2k now is not worth 2k. It is worth a few hundred dollars because it's a deduction, not a credit. The credit is guaranteed to be good the first 6 months of next year, that's no lottery. I agree though, with your $5K cash back from your employer, it can't be as interesting to you!
We took delivery of an '05 this year, even though we had originally placed an order for an '06. The reasons: a) We were not getting the package we wanted for '06 in our region, but the comparable package was available on an '05, meaning we were looking at a $2000 hit on MSRP if we took the '06. B) based on our tax situation this year, we will be almost as well off taking the deduction (especially if you consider the MSRP difference), and c) my old car was a beater that needed to be replaced ASAP. Take into account that we can apply the deduction this year, as opposed to waiting for April '07 for the credit, and it wasn't an incredibly hard choice.
It's been pointed out many times that you can just increase your withholdings to get the $500 in early 2006 either way. Edit: I mean decrease your withholdings by increasing your exemptions. Whatever, you can figure it out.
Yeah, that would make sense. I hadn't seen that before, but it's a good point. Still, with all the other considerations, I'm happy with having the '05 now as opposed to the '06 later. I'm sure this will vary by person based on individual circumstances. Now, if the dealer had called me in early December, it would be a totally different story