it's the begining of an "active" self preservation for a culture, by fringe group, which can turn into a cry for nationalism
Other people call this representative democracy. The only difference aliens make to the system is that you end up with a culture clash that exposes just how intolerant people are.
illegal aliens are...illegal they should have no rights if they are here illegally, no matter where they come from. otherwise our laws are useless.
He was upset about the number of Norwegians killed recently? You mean not many ([ame=""])[/ame]? Oh, I see, he was upset the murder rate was so low so he was doing his part to bring up the average. OK, I admit he did a good job there. (Note: In a proactive response to your linking to an anecdotal murder or two, I didn't say "No murders", I just said "Not many compared to the rest of the world").
You know as well as I do that this country was not designed to be a representative democracy. It was a republic. And now we have neither a republic nor a representative democracy, which of course is no mere coincidence to what we are discussing here. Why are you referring to Norway's overall homicide statistics when I clearly referred to crimes committed by the migrating hoards (Ex-Yugoslavians/Albanians, Pakistanis, Somalians, Vietnamese, etc.) against the native population? And this in fact is not an issue exclusive to Norway, but western Europe in general.
Norway there "way of life" is threatened [ame=""]Immigration to Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] Excerpts from Norway gunman's manifesto Arrested gunman Anders Behring Breivik worked 9 years on a "manifesto" that blamed multi-culturalists, Marxists and Muslims for Europe's problems and urged violent means to purge Europe of non-Christians and those he deemed traitors to Christian Europe. His lawyer says he posted it online just before a rampage that killed nearly 100 people. Here are several brief excerpts that illustrate the nature of his writing and his obsessions as he carried out one of the worst crimes in Europe since World War II. ___ "I have spent several years writing, researching and compiling the information and I have spent most of my hard earned funds in this process (in excess of 300 000 Euros). I do not want any compensation for it as it is a gift to you, as a fellow patriot." ___ "Multi-culturalism (cultural Marxism/political correctness), as you might know, is the root cause of the ongoing Islamisation of Europe which has resulted in the ongoing Islamic colonisation of Europe through demographic warfare (facilitated by our own leaders)." ___ "In order to successfully penetrate the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist media censorship we are forced to employ significantly more brutal and breath taking operations which will result in casualties. In order for the attack to gain an influential effect, assassinations and the use of weapons of mass destruction must be embraced." ___
you should cite sources i found this one on rape note! this is not a "perfect" study, it has flaws and it's author admits it Islam in Europe: Norway, Rape and Muslims - A Study
Immigration is a two-part process (1) the host nation must be willing to accept them, (2) the immigrants need to assimilate to their new home. Westerners are forbidden to alter society in Saudi Arabia, but many Europeans fear Muslim immigrants are doing exactly that - [ame=]Eurabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] This is an ongoing problem that hopefully be resolved with more peaceful means than last Friday.
The US system of government is representative democracy. How well it functions is a different matter. In any representative democracy larger groups have more influence, as a whole, on policy. But were early immigrants to the USA broken and destroyed by each new wave of European immigrants? Is every generation broken and destroyed because they are a small percentage of the population and don't share all the views of the other voting generations?
Since Europe has quite a smaller homicide rate then the US, and Norway tends to have a really small homicide rate, I would think having a count of 91 homicides in one day would mean Breivik is not seeing a light of day....ever. In fact, it'll be interesting to see what happens with this case: they could always make an exception to consider corporal punishment. Politics at the moment means a lot...look at the US stance on treason: sometimes it leads to executions...sometimes it just leads to deportation without any time.
This bloody idiot is against Muslim immigrants. So he decided to kill a bunch of teenaged Norwegians to further reduce the native population?
There may be a slight amount of "sense" to what he did....the youth camp was sponsored by the Labour Party....he is opposed to Muslims in Europe, socialists, and multiculturalism....would like Protestants and Catholics to unite as one church fighting Islam. I'd characterize him as a cultural Christian - not that religious as much as opposed to Muslims, socialists, immigrants. I'd go so far to say he has more in common with neo-nazis (which he denies) He copied the Unabomber's manifesto, changed a few words to match his agenda. He interviews himself An Interview with a Madman: Breivik Asks and Answers His Own Questions - TIME
I was "enjoying" the comment trolling on CNN on this one. At first, it was all about how it must be al Qaeda. It turned out not to be, and still, people went on about Muslims and Jews. Not one of them saw irony in it. They all gave me the impression that what he did was right, he was just shooting the wrong teenagers. That's just a sentence that makes no sense to me at all. Decades ago, I guess people would have approved of someone shooting blacks, who were also perceived as a threat, by the way. I am not aware of any particular issues that have resulted from their living among us. And don't cite gang violence--that's socioeconomics, not skin color. This guy just further proved that whacko comes in all colors and creeds. Not just Muslim but white westerners. He's not the first at all. People like to forget the Unabomber and mcveigh. Whoever does it and for whatever reason, hate is hate. And a bunch of innocent people are killed. That's it. Unless you actually believe one person is actually subhuman because of their skin color whatever, and then I can't help you much.
That seems to fit the demographic of any nutjob. Most conservative factions that are gaining traction in Europe are those that are anti-Muslim. This banter about what ideology he has reminds me of what happened with Jarad Lee Loughner right after that shooting. He had apparently been having some serious problems for over a year: during that time, he went on tirades over anything wrong with government as well as illegal immigrants running amok. He apparently focused it most on some Democratic politicians in Arizona. At least in the American seems the main thing that failed is why Loughner never had a mental evaluation (that would then ban him from having gun permits). Most "nutjobs" have an oposite political stance then I have (I tend to be rated socially liberal, economically the opposite of this shooter). However, being a liberal in the South, I think there should be some better laws about licensed gun owners. Anyhow...talking about idealogies doesn't lead to much. There are plenty of posters on FHOP which I don't agree with and think they're crazy: even the craziest I assume they have an unsound ideology but are still sound enough to not want to harm others of a seperate ideology. To be in any free environment, you can believe anything you want...but it becomes extreme when you want harm anyone in another group.
Norway Massacre: Anders Breivik Rarely has the connection between sexual anxiety and right-wing nationalism been made quite so clear. Indeed, Breivik’s hatred of women rivals his hatred of Islam, and is intimately linked to it. ... A terror of feminization haunts his bizarre document. “The female manipulation of males has been institutionalised during the last decades and is a partial cause of the feminisation of men in Europe,” he writes. He blames empowered women for his own isolation, saying that he recoils from the “destructive and suicidal Sex and the City lifestyle (modern feminism, sexual revolution) …In that setting, men are not men anymore, but metro sexual and emotional beings that are there to serve the purpose as a never-criticising soul mate to the new age feminist woman goddess.” ...Thus, while he pretends to abhor Muslim subjugation of women, he writes that the “fate of European civilisation depends on European men steadfastly resisting Politically Correct feminism.” When cultural conservatives seize control of Europe, he promises, “we will re-establish the patriarchal structures.” Eventually, women “conditioned” to this new order “will know her place in society.” His mad act was in the service of male superiority as well as Christian nationalism. Those two things, of course, almost always go together.
IMO, they should give him 21 years for each life he took, i.e. 93 x 21. Plus maybe 10 years or so for each person he injured. In any case, Norway's legal system soon will have to look hard at itself in the mirror and ask some tough questions.