The Prius sits lower than I give it credit for. My corolla type S never had issues and I thought that sat pretty low as well. The front portion of the car is full of scratches due to it being scrapped. I was looking under yesterday and one of the plastic cover panels is sagging and it appears that a clip is missing or got pulled off (could be both). Has anyone else encountered this ? I wasnt sure if I have to bring it in to the dealer to refasten. I cannot see very well under the car but I figure it is only a matter of time before it snags something.
I don't usually have problems with severe scraping. If the fastener that holds the underbody plates has been lost you can buy a new one and install it yourself. It is quite easy to do.
After seeing countless of Prius lower front bumper scrapes from the curb. I'm extra careful when I approach those parking stops and drive up diagonal on steep driveways. The front of my Prius is ok so far but there is no escape from rock chips from the freeway.
My driveway is steep enough that now matter what angle I enter the driveway, I scrape. The bottom of the front of my 5 month old car is ragged, nothing I can do about it. Is there?
Same here. Hanging low. I have scraped it a few dozen times, mostly going up and down DH's steep driveway. I don't do that anymore since I have figured out an angle where it doesn't scrape.
My situation isn't from a driveway but just general parking. If yu have a steep driveway it is probably a lost cause bc of the mechanics of the car. As long as nothing is broken or hanging and it is just scratches then I guess it's not the end of the world. I'll have to reattch the panel though.
Mine scrapes also but no worse than my 2005 Camry. I just walked out and measured both and there is only a 1/4" difference. I just learned to be careful when parking close to curbs.
I now park about 2 feet from the curb after that first dreadful scraping. I'm forever scarred by the noise.
I scrapped the bottom one day while parking and about three days later some piece under there started dragging on the highway as I was doing 70 mph in the left hand lane. Not expensive to fix but certainly learned my lesson about parking.
You'd see better if you get rid of 5% limo tint, especially the 5% brow that goes 1/3 the length of the front windshield.
Actually I found that if I remove the tint all together and just drive completely blindfolded that seems to be the best form of 'sunlight reduction'. Does that make sense ? If not let me know.