84 people (mostly young and/or teenagers) have been shot dead by a nut job in Norway. BBC News - Norway police say 84 killed in island youth camp attack
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-14260148 I saw him standing 10 metres from me, shooting at the people who were swimming. He aimed his machine gun at me and I screamed at him, 'No please no, don't do it'. I don't know if he listened to me but he spared me. He came back an hour later. I was with other survivors and we were lying down and hiding behind the trees and rocks. We were freezing in our wet clothes. The shooting started again and people were falling on top of me, on my legs and falling into the water - that's when many people died. I just had to shield myself behind them, praying he wouldn't see me. Then he came closer, I could feel his breath, I could feel his boots, I could feel the warmth of the barrel...
Yes, he is a nut job and I can't relate to him even though the superficial description of him sounds similar to mine - the crime is utterly inconsistent with what he says he is.
^ There are bad apples everywhere, which does not necessarily make the entire bunch bad. [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders_Behring_Breivik"]Anders Behring Breivik[/ame] identifies himself as a Christian fundamentalist...saying you follow Christ then slaughtering 84+ teens - HELLO?!
I thought I saw something in the news that said he later went into Oslo and blew up himself and a lot of other people ...
Kasper Ilaug had been sitting in his cabin on Norway's Storoya Island when a friend contacted him to say that something terrible had happened following the bomb blast in Oslo and that he must use a nearby boat to help rescue people from Utoeya. 'I thought he was joking with me,' he said. But determined to do what he could, he grabbed his iPad, mobile and put on a bright yellow jacket with a red helmet and ran down to and 18ft fishing boat before heading off in the direction of Utoeya island, north west of Oslo. Within minutes he had reached the shore and spotted a number of children hiding behind the rocks and crouching behind trees. 'We saw some youngsters laying there and waving to us. They were terrified,' he said. Most of them, dressed in nothing but bathing suits, were shivering from the cold and quickly clambered into the boat. 'I then got this text message from one of my friends that said there's a lunatic out there shooting people,' he told CNN news. Making three trips in total, at one point he spotted a group of youngsters behind some rocks. 'I tried to wave to them and to get their attention, but I didn't get a reponse. I thought maybe they are still in shock or laying behind that rock for shelter. However he soon realised they had been killed by the suspected gunman Anders Breivik, 32, who had been on a rampage, calling over his victims before opening fire on them. Read more: Kasper Ilaug rescues dozens of children after Anders Behring Breivik kills 84 people on Utoya island | Mail Online
You don't have to be a "Believer" to relate to a lot of what the gunman posted. There are major and obvious problems with what has been perpetrated on western countries since the cultural Marxist revolution of the 1960's. Western Europe and the United States have been under steady and increasing assault from corporations and their domestic policy makers resulting in an affront on cultural homogeneity and fiscal solvency. The US alone has added ~ 100 million mostly non-anglo, non-western people since the Hart-Cellar Act. As stomach churning as this man's actions were, at least he acted on what he sees (as obvious) rather than wait until it is too late. The larger the alien population, the more political clout they accumulate until the native population is broken or destroyed. As "shocking" and sad as this event is, there will be far worse in the future unless governments begin doing their jobs. This is the same corruption that took down Rome.
this kinda reminds me a conversation with a co-worker a couple weeks back; it went like that: Him: "those damn aliens, they come to our country ...... and then they don't wanna go back" Me: "I'll bet that's what Indians said" If you look at muslim world what you perceive as "corruption of western civilization" they perceive as "western corruption of fundamental islam values". Soviets tagged it as "western capitalistic corruption" what you perceive as "cultural Marxist revolution of the 1960's". CHanges happen everywhere, every time; every generation there was, there is and there will be a generational divide.
And in this one statement, you made his point better than he apparently could. Reading between the lines of your post brings up another point. One of the most obvious spins on issues such as this is that anyone who speaks to their instincts, inherent sound reason and simple logic are "haters, rednecks, hillbillies, ignorant, uneducated, etc.." Though this may occasionally describe the individual participant, it hardly defines the position at large. This too has historical precedent. This failed "greatest nation to ever exist" was founded and built up by such allegedly nefarious characters. Some things never change.
once you understand that Muslims/Islam want to take over the world and also understand how human groups stay together, you will then understand there is a huge potential for a conflagration on this planet. history repeats the Muslims tried in the past and were pushed back. they were at the doorsteps of Paris [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Crusade"]First Crusade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] not that they were the only group wanting the whole world
and who assimilates into a culture and who brings their culture to change the existing? this is where peoples are "threatened"
You cannot judge the people by the words of few extremists. Think, what kind of impression one would get from Pat Roberson or Glen Beck quotes??
Again, thank you for reiterating my point. Remember reading about the Indian massacres back in American history? When Native Americans fought back against the settlements it was "Indians massacre". When Breivik strikes back against the invasion its a "Far-right wing massacre"....as if this is some fringe battle when nothing could be farther from the truth. Press propaganda is as it has always been- social engineering.
maybe not but, you can question the motives of a religion that teaches ......... this has not been the first nor the last "group" to want to take over the world...it is only the latest
Let me get this straight; you guys are applauding the fact he killed 93 people, mostly children. Did I leave out anything?
i understand why he did what he did but, not approving. just as i can understand why somebody goes to work 40hrs a week to feed his family. it's just a 3rd person, "clinical" understanding of a situation.
No. Just like we don't applaud how many native Norwegians have been killed (not to mention raped, robbed and assaulted) by the settling hoards over say....the last year. Bad is bad. It's just that some of us aren't shocked by this because we have the sense to ask the hard questions instead of settling for the easy way out and going with how we are told to behave.