I just got a 05 Prius and was able to easily install a Bluetooth phone. My questions are these. Is it possible to switch back to using only the handset for a private conversation once the call has been initiated? I can turn off the Bluetooth feature on my phone and that will allow, of course, a private conversation, but I was hoping there is some way to do that on my Navigator system. Thanks
Interesting question. I don't know if there's any way to "take back" the call to the phone if hands-free already has it; I don't think so. When hands-free is established, incoming calls go to the car. When stopped and dialing from the MFD, I don't think you can put the call in the phone. When I dial from my SE710a, stopped or moving, I get the option to take the call in the phone; pressing "No" sends the call to the car, pressing "Yes" keeps it in the phone. I also note that if you have a headset active and get in the car, your Bluetooth connection will fail, since the phone already has a handsfree connection.
This is a phone feature and has nothing to do with Toyota's Bluetooth implementation. Most handsets allow you to do this through "In-call options" (may be called differently from vendor to vendor). Some phones have it available as a "single button" option, some will require you to navigate through one or several menus. Alex
My Treo 650 has a "cancel headset" button on the touchscreen during a bluetooth call. Pressing it switches the audio back to the phone. Stereo stays muted, and I can still hang up with the steering wheel. Nate
yup - you'd have to do it from the phone - the Prius does not have the option on it's display. It would be nice to have and easy for them to do.
Thanks to all who responded. Verizon tells me that my LG8100 does not automatically offer me that option -- although it appears that I may be able to go through the process of turning off Bluetooth on my handset after a call has been received and use my handset. Unfortunately, that it is a several click step. Whomever earlier posted a message and talked about Verizon's limited Bluetooth options was right on.
Switch to new-model Sprint phone or a GSM carrier - their phones are much better than Verizon's. If you're under contract still consider a 815 for Verizon, it's still very gimped on bluetooth but there are hacks to restore some of it's ability.
It turns out that Verizon's support line was incorrect, the phone does have an option to switch from Bluetooth to the handset relatively easy.
Almost all bluetooth phones will have this option. Mine even keeps the call when I turn off the car - automatically putting on hold and asking if I want to retrieve on the handset. I haven't tried starting on the handset and switching to the car, but I think it would work. All calls come from the phone. You can always dial the phone while the car is moving, and it is a phone feature that decides if the call goes automagically to the car, or in your case, asks for your opinion. The phone shouldn't care if the phone was dialed, or if the car told it to make a call. Your in call options should always be the same.