I just installed a Rosen Nav. Nav works, radio works, but they won't both work at the same time. The radio works great but as soon as I switch to Navigation, I lose radio audio. Also lose CD audio when I switch to Nav. Am I missing some setting or is this a warranty issue?
I installed mine 3 months ago and yes, you are supposed to be able to listen to music while in Navigation mode. I don't remember exactly what i did but i know i did something with the setting. sorry, im sure somebody else with the Rosen will.
I have answered my own question. If I go to Menu/Settings/Video Nav and turn Video Nav off (grayed out) the radio and Nav work at the same time. I don't understand the full implications of that yet, but it works. Once I figured out the problem I was able to find the answer in the dodgy Rosen Manuals. So far, weird user interface, Nav sat receiver works fantastic. My garage has aluminum foil backed sheathing on the roof , chicken wire in the stucco walls and an aluminum garage door. The nav will hold sat lock when I drive in the garage most of the time and pick up sats from a cold start some of the time in the garage. I have had several car and handheld GPS units. This is the best GPS I have had for working on weak signals. I mounted the antenna on top of the dash in the center L-R and as far forward as I could put it. I also mounted it on the adhesive backed steel plate that came with it. Nav antennas like a metal backplane.