Has anyone used one of those foam block universal car top kayak carrier kits? If so, how did you like it? I need a cheap way to transport my 9 foot kayak and I don't have a roof rack.
A real cheap option...at least a temporary idea. I helped a friend who bought a canoe recently and we transported it on her Prius. I stopped at the Dollar Store and bought one of those swimming pool 'noodles'. A flexible foam length with a hollow center, like the house pipe insulation material. I cut it in 4- one foot lengths and slit it down the centers to make them easily clamp on the gunwales and then adjusted them to meet the contact points on the Prius roof. We tied it down carefully and it worked great. The kayak may be a whole different animal. Good luck!
The foam racks are great! I use roof racks and then attach the foam to it. For long trips I use Sportracks attached to my Yakima roof racks. The side of the Kayak is the strongest part.Hal