I was told my bother-in-law that a lady at his work prius caught on fire while drive to Sacramento and Toyota has not know why this happen. Another thing to look out for!
:lol: Bother-in-law :lol: I sure hope that wasn't a typo. LOVE it. Gonna use it on my Brother-in-law.
I was on the way to work a few weeks ago and on the side of the road was a new VW beetle completely engulfed in flames. A lone police officer could do nothing but direct traffic. I don't know what the details are, but I'm not going to run around saying don't buy a VW because they will spontaneously combust... p.s. It was one of the coolest things I've seen though :blink: ...It was early in the morning, 5:30am, so it was still dark out. I hope nobody was hurt.
Funny, a few weeks ago during my commute I saw a Ford Focus going in flames. Not just smoking, FLAMES, it was already half way gone, the back was still remaining and a poor girl was just watching the whole event with the cops. I've never seen a car going in flames like that.
I did a simple search on Google using "Prius, fire, Sacramento" and nothing came up, not even a short news blurb. This would be the first time a Prius has spontaneously combust and would rate a big news. If the Prius was in an accident it's possible that leaking gasoline could start a fire.
I got to watch my Ford Granada engulfed in flames in my neighbor's front yard at around 2:00 on a Monday morning. That was pretty cool. I hated that car. Jan
Put a few million cars on any road and some are going to be driving with their gas cap off. Some are going to be flicking lit cancer sticks around. Some are going to be driving on a flat tire and be too busy talking on a cellular to realize it. In short, with that many people, some are going to do stupid things. Eventually, a few stupid things will come together into a chain which leads to a fire. Without more detail we can't know what happened here. jrohland
saw a cadillac burn on the side of a busy highway once... yiiiikes. also saw an old car i couldn't identify burn across the street from my former workplace as i was working. again, yikes.
One of my good buddies watched as a telephone phone, knocked over by high winds, fall onto his family's station wagon. The impact ruptured the fuel tank and the car burst into flames. He was a kid so naturally he thought that it was very cool. His parents saw it in a different light.
Last weekend, went to test drive a new Lexus 330 Hybrid. As we were walking back on the lot to view the 330s, a new 330 Hybrid burst into flames as we were approaching this car! Apparently, an unknown fuel leak w/ built up fumes in the cabin was touched off by an electrical source on the auto resulting in a total loss of a new Lexus w/ 0 miles. Who would have thought!
Sherlock is deducing something here . . . ". . . in my neighbor's front yard at around 2:00 on a Monday morning . . ." So Jan, just how drunk were you that you missed your driveway and ended up in your neighbor’s yard with a flaming car? :wacko: