Any good experiences with some of the new Sprint bluetooth models? I'm interested in one of the new EVDO models like the Samsung A940. What is the best way to check a new phone model and confirm that it will be compatible with the 2004 Prius?
Probably the best way (lacking other input) would be to pick a second choice you hear will work, then get the A940 and try it for yourself. This is assuming Sprint has a 15-day return policy, of course. If it doesn't work out, trade it for your second choice. By the way, don't be mailing in for any rebates until you are sure you are going to keep the phone. No matter how it turns out, we'd love to hear about your experience. We did just have a thread about someone having a bad experience with a Samsung, but it was a Verizon Samsung, and we think the problem may have been Verizon-related. If true, that shouldn't be an issue on Sprint model. In any case, testing with a fall-back plan should still work...
keep in mind that, for the most part, Sprint disables all the bluetooth features except for the headset profile. You will probably have a hard time transfering the phone book, and you won't be able to use the bluetooth with a computer. This may not apply to ALL Sprint phones, but they do have a habit, based on input from my friends who use Sprint. As far as the ability to use the car as a headset, you shouldn't have a problem. Does any other carrier use the phone you want or similar? If there is, you may need a very good reason to go with Sprint over that other option.
FWIW, I use a Samsung i730 (PDA phone) EVDO with Verizon and no problems with Bluetooth. Also a Motorola A630 (electronically similar to V600) with T-Mobile and also no Bluetooth problems.
I was having problems getting answers about sprint phones for the prius, but found a nice salesman who told me to bring in my car. Even though the dealership swore that sprint was incappatable, mine worked.... he showed me how to synch it up, but it ls limited in its upload capacity. I have a Sprint LG 325 and it will import numbers manually. (no names though :huh:
PPC 6700 is EVDO and works fine with the Prius. You can upload contact numbers and name (just tried one at a time). Not true for this phoen. Bluetooth profile is fully functional. You can sync with your computer and tether.
I have yet to figure out how to do this with My LG PM-325, despite owning it for almost a year. Would you please post the directions?
I just went to a dealership in San Francisco (the ones in the North Bay) claimed sprint was impossible... so if the dealership where you bought your car is about as helpful as mine, call around. I am awaiting my 06, otherwise I'd lead ya through it play by play. I think you have to get the bluetooth code for your car and go into the bluetooth section of your phone and choose "search and pair" and wait for the code to come through.... I am sure someone here is knowledgable on how to make this happen...
The LG PM325 does NOT support OBEX. Therefore, one cannot transfer phonebook entries or anything else for that matter via bluetooth. I'm not sure what HyDee means by "It will import numbers manually". Many phones support the ability to import numbers via the use of a data cable and PC, which the LG PM325 will do. Due to a bad experience with this very subject, I no longer have my LG PM325 or Sprint service. I strongly suggest to anyone considering using a Sprint Bluetooth phone to please get in writing any instructions or promises a Sprint rep gives you before paying a cent.
For various personal reasons, I am tied to Sprint right now and just looking for the best Prius/BT solution in a replacement phone. In addition to looking for users with real experience with the new EVDO phones (Samsung or new Audiovox), I was also trying to find which specific bluetooth components to look for- As Catsbox points out, if the phone doesn't support OBEX, you aren't going to be able to directly transfer data from the phone. What are the other BT components that I should be looking for on any new phones? Thanks for all the input-
I don't have EVDO experience but I do have 2 Sprint Treo 650s that work great with the Prius car kit. They pair quickly and can transfer the entire phonebook once you get past the car kit issues of name length and number format. There are several older post about that. The Treo's DUN capability works well for us. Good luck finding the right Sprint phone.
Heh, that's actually me. I've had my Prius for 8 days now, and I just registered to post in this thread only to find myself quoted. Anyway, yes the MM-a940 works perfectly - in fact all current bluetooth phones for Sprint (except for the 325, which is due to be canceled in december) are fully functional and will work with the car. Future phones will as well. MM-a900 will be a nice one to pick up for it's looks.
Loudly for me - my voice is very deep for my size so microphones don't work too hot for me. I do keep a very low voice when I'm on the phone as well so I don't disturb others. I forget to talk louder when I use an earpiece.
It supports the same profiles as the 940 - and I'm able to send my contacts one by one. You may also notice that the ** refers to the 940 and not the 900. The 940 supports all profiles. Sadly, that ad is missing alot of info about the 900 and what it can and cannot do.