can the horn be changed easily to something crazy loud? I live in a town full of stupid tourists that cant drive.. People need to move it.
Aha pezhead you need to embrace the way of the Prius and become one with your car. The horn is not used.
Stand outside of the prius and have someone hit your horn for you. It's a lot louder than it seems from sitting inside.
You can go to and see about replacing your horns (yeah, there are two) with another.
Don't know where you drive, but I have had more need of the horn in my Prius than in any other car that I've ever owned. I'm not sure whether it's just continued deterioration in the manners of other drivers, that other drivers have sensed the way driving a Prius has converted me from a "type A" driver to a "type B," or if my silver Prius has a Romulan cloaking device that I have unknowningly left engaged. -- Vince
Be careful what you add. I once put a VW horn on a honda 175 (motorcycle). Definitely louder, but the lights dimmed every time I honked. (Every time you hit the horn the ICE comes on?). Tony
thanks its not so bad in terms of driving.. all them college kids with ipods can never hear me.. walkin down the middle of the street
Same here. People don't look and just want in my lane on the freeway. I've had to hit the horn a few times and I hate horns. I never use it unless I have to. Then there are those who love horns. I had someone wanting to cross all lanes so I stopped to let him accross. Just as he was passing my side (with my window down) he honked sooo loud. A simple nod, wave or solute would due. I also hate when women honk at people they know. And then (of course) the people they know honk back. Honk Honk Honk!!! Stupid Honkies
Here is place online where you can purchase aftermarket horn upgrades PIAA automotive sport horn for Prius
Really? I think it's just as loud as many other horns. Maybe they are just ignoring you. If they don't listen, run em down!
I am actually getting ready to replace my horns later this weekend with the Hella supertones. I live in a tourist and college town (best of both worlds...not). Granted I am a college student myself, but in the land of big nice person diesel trucks the little guys need to be heard as well. I have Hella horns on all my cars, instead of my trucks (air horns for those bad boys), and the horns are super easy to install on any car.
upgraded horns is a good move. I strongly believe that @$$ holes despise prii and the tree huggers that drive them so they deliberately cut you off and drive extra rude. there have been a few times when in retrospect its good I didn't have a .45 with me. I would have killed some truck and suv drivers, and slept quite well if I didn't get caught.