Had to pull loose the black plastic like splash shield under front of '06 Prius,as repeated encounters with curbs had loosened it. My question is, is the thing essential? Car doesn't seem to know it's not there but does ithurt to go without it? Thanks for advice.
it's designed to create drag. without it, you will probably feel wind pushing the car around more. it might also have a very very small mpg effect. essential... i don't think so... I'm not looking at it as i type, so i'm not sure how it's held on, or if it might be covering a seam in the front end. if it comes off and it's not too irritating while driving, leave it off.
No its not neccessary at all if you don't mind rocks, mud, and other road debris kicking up into very very expensive and not very tough AC Condenser clogging it and generally just beating the crap out of it.
It probably smooths out the airflow underneath the car - this contributes to improvements in MPG due to the aero of the car. I wouldn't take it off. In fact, I would buy one to cover the entire bottom of the car so it's flat (if it were available).
It is very necessary, imo. Just this past weekend, I had to help my brother-in-law replace a steering fluid pipe ($150) on his Saab because he had a hole in his splash shield and a rock made it through and nicked the pipe.
ive had mine off for probably 150k miles at least.I dont think it made a difference in handling or mpg. I wouldnt take it off just because, but if its broken where its hanging down, id remove it.
I will put it plain: This works in reverse to ''remove Pampers from baby's nice person''. Result is obvious.
I'd replace it. On another car, I removed the splash shield (same reason as you) and it altered the aerodynamics enough that the car would overheat on long drives. Replaced the splash shield and Voila! - no more overheating.
With my old car the guys at the oil change place took mine off as it had been beaten to hell and while they noted it on the receipt they did not tell me. A few months later I started having AC issues while stopped - a fan had stopped working, likely hit by a stone or other road debris.
Many thanks to all for the reasoned replies. I guess I'll bite the bullet and pay what my Toyota service center thinks they have to have to replace it. Again, thanks.