I am wondering if any of you have used a remote pet-cam to check up on your pets while you are away. I have two old and 'special needs' cats, and I frequently leave them at home 2-3 days at a time. When I go on longer trips, I ask someone to check up on them, but that is also in 2-3 day intervals. I want to buy something inexpensive and for a small apartment. I have checked online for ideas, and want to know if anyone has good recommendations.
It's not something I've used, because neither my dog nor I could stand being apart that long, but I would imagine a webcam hooked to a computer would do the trick. That way you could check on them remotely from wherever you are. There may also be something in home security that would give you what you need. I assume your care person would be able to go over right away if there were a problem - otherwise, the system's not going to be very helpful.
Check out X10.com - Security Cameras, X10 Home Security, Wireless Camera, Home Automation, Electronics and More! for inexpensive security cams and SW to put the real-time video on the web. One warning though, once they have your email address, several emails a week with "specials". JeffD
+1 That's exactly what I was going to say. Except that I didn't know about the email stuff. I just know of people who have done this.
It's not inexpensive but works very well. Panasonic BL-C131/C131A. My son has one aimed at his automatic cat feeder. The feeder drops a bit of food every 2 hours during the day. The cat comes charging in when the feeder drops some food so he knows when to watch for it online. Consider one that communicates directly with your network, preferably wireless so you don't need to leave a computer on. You can also get motion detection software for them so it will save images of the last time your critter passed the camera.
Foscam FI8918W About $70 online. It's wifi and has a builtin web server, so you can monitor it over the Internet. Even has infrared so it works in the dark.
Thanks, I've been 1/2 arsed looking for a pet cam but didn't want to pay Panasonic prices. This comparison test rated the Panasonic better The IP Camera Forum | View topic - Panasonic BL-230 and Foscam FI8918W review/comparison but I sure don't see it being 3 or 4 times better, which is the price difference. There are loads of Foscam FI8918W demos on Youtube and it looks good. I think I'll get one.
Thank you for all the suggestions. After considering what is mentioned here and my searches, I am leaning towards the Panasonic BLC1A. It is more in my price range. The Foscam mentioned here looks very nice too, may be I will get that one. My cats roam in a very small area, so I don't need anything fancy. I just want to check if they are ok, apartment on fire, roof fell on them etc.
Good luck! I have the Foscam pointed through a window at the area outside my apartment. It is recording to my PC hard drive. I am on a mission to have evicted the inconsiderate neighbors who don't clean up after their dogs.
I wish it was funny. Especially nasty on hot summer days! I recently read of some neighborhoods getting DNA samples from pets upon move in. Then would then compare it against the offensive "droppings" and fine the owners.