isn't i nice to see that there are still stupid people out there NASIOC - View Single Post - Scientists Demand Improved Hybrid Performance From Automakers
This is the problem I've seen the past few years - people seem to think they can opin things into reality. One of the best example of this the strong tendacy of Holocast Deniers to be anti-semitic. I'd also bet climate change skeptics tend to have gas guzzlers, too. Reminds me of this quote (Sen Monyhan?):
I checked the gas mileage of the cars he listed and he got them all wrong. Gas mileage was revised in 2008 and older cars's mileage were adjusted down. He is entitled to his own delusional facts.
That's is building a good reputation!, Impressive, although there were no mention of any repairs, but savings for a fleet of 9 cars were substantial. The Prius That Keeps on Going and Going and Going... - CleanMPG Forums
Skeptic with a Prius checking in. The climate is under a state of constant change. What is very much debatable is to what extent manmade activity is causing that change.
Looks like I'd been better off on the prior post to not mention climate change, although I'll still say fewer skeptics drive cars like the Prius than those open to the possibility of AGW. To avoid that tangent and muddying my point, a number of people wish very badly to believe: - The Holocaust did not happen (and tend to be anti-semitic) - The Moon landings were faked - even the Earth is flat The same mentality of people that believe stuff such as flat Earth is the same as the Prius haters - they are rationalizing their hostility, but it's not rational at all.
Until the political climate recently, and owning a Prius I didn't realize how stupid, selfish, stubborn, and bullying a lot of people are. I feel like I am sort of smart now in comparison. There are just a lot of real macho dumb a--es out there. Just leave me alone with my car, it is none of anyone's affair to interfere with what I buy.
I actually drive faster than most traffic on the road and still about 45 MPG...I'm fine with that.. and the money I saved from the pump, I can spend on other things like go-karting and video games. Going from $250+ a month to $60-$80 of gas, I can't complain
Being driven by gay people is not a bad thing. The politics of Prius perception is pretty interesting. As a product that makes its living on fuel efficiency, it naturally gets associated with the environmental movement, which is generally seen as leftish, and for people of my generation, associated with anti-(Vietnam)war types, who were seen by the right as wimps. Two things about the reality of Prius users are interesting: One, if you look at Fred's House of Pancakes (or Politics), you find that a lot of folks on this website come from the right. I would guess that this is because Engineering as a profession has more right leaning folks than some others, and particularly attracts right-libertarians, who want to be able to make and sell whatever contraption comes into their heads. And engineers love the Prius because it has some of the coolest integration of electronic and mechanical engineering around. Two, if you look at this website (and I think other statistics will bear this out), the average Prius buyer is way older than the average car buyer. Haven't quite figured this one out yet. Any theories?
We can afford one. My Prius is only the third new car I ever bought. When younger than 30 I bought used.
Because us "older" folks have several things going for us: We've accumulated more disposable income, we've learned the value of the dollar, and we're not concerned if the Prius doesn't meet the current fad styling of other cars. When you were talking about most folks being from the "right," I initially thought you were talking about the right side of brains--not political affiliation. If anything, I'd guestimate there are equal or even more liberal-leaning owners here. You'll notice a high number of owners from the Pacific Northwest and New England--not exactly conservative bastions. It really doesn't matter what our political affiliation is; this group is comprised of people who are interested in a fuel-efficient vehicle that is also eco-friendly in nature. Also remember, there are many more Prius owners who are not members of Priuschat and thus, whatever statistics you garner here may not be representative of all Prius owners. For that, you need to contact the Toyota marketing department.
Exactly- as with any auto forum, the demographic of those who come to discuss on an online forum is probably quite different than the whole population of owners of any specific vehicle. I'll add another thing about "older" owners. Before we had kids, things like safety and fuel economy were not major factors in an automobile purchase for me at least. After having kids, I have much more concern regarding safety and the environment. Granted, I know a lot of people have the same concerns even before they have kids, but I'm sure there are plenty of people like me, too.
Didn't mean to say "most" Prius owners were from the political right--just that the population of this forum suggests that there might be more than you might think from its general reputation as a car of leftish environmentalists. And I agree that this forum is not necessarily representative of Prius buyers as a whole.
Acceleration is pretty good. I just switched over from my V5 Toyota Camry Viennta to Prius 3rd Generation. On most roads they both get me the accleration I wanted in similar times. Sure I had to step on Prius harder for same result but it's the result I cared. Most other times Prius just cruises along and saves energy. Something Viennta is not very good at doing. At the end of the day Prius is my car and as long as I am comfortable with it and it's not offensive to most other people, just ignore occasional criticisms from minority. No matter what car you drive, there will always be people against it. One thing though, I do choose to drive Prius my way ie. hit the gas when I feel like it, and other times just let it cruise and recharge itself. I turn off those Eco gauges because seriously, they make me feel like Prius is driving me
FWIW, I seem to recall a poll on this site that resulted in 60% left and 40% right on this site as far as political affiliation.
Concur, although outside of PC, I've never heard of Priuses being associated with 'the gay community'...(whatever that's supposed to be...) Most of the gay people that I know drive a wide variety of cars and trucks....just like their heterosexual counterparts. Yup.... Lots of theories...but there's such a diverse mix of Prius drivers out there, it's hard to shoe horn them into a few categories. Many people drive one for social reasons. Others drive them for more economic reasons. It's a pretty efficient commuting car after all. My G3 is a company I was more or less tossed into the Prius community. I've found that there is no average Prius driver....but many of us are a little older, and a little more conservative than the general public appreciates. There are too many statistical outliers even on this forum to try and label all Prius drivers as either left or right, conservative or liberal, young or old, gay or straight, etc... The American public is very uneducated about the G3 (along with many other things.) I still get asked how long I have to plug my car in before I drive it. My keyfob vault (a fleet thing) still gets routinely mistaken for a plug-in port.