Hi all, I have the factory stereo, no navigation, etc. To my knowledge, it's bare bones. But like many, would like to get an AUX input unit, or somehow be able to control the iPod/iPhone through the car stereo. Since there's many products that have been out there, was just wanting to do my homework to see what people's best experiences have been? USA Spec? DICE? Trying to stay under $200 if at all possible. Thank you in advance!
I've not installed one but here is a How-To link: http://priuschat.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=2073&d=1172773549
Hmmm, the reviews for it on the PriusChat site seem about so-so...anyone have any opinions on the USA Spec product? Is it even possible to get an actual new head unit that would fit with the dash? I.e. Sony, Pioneer, JBL, etc? I was into BestBuy and they were trying to plug the iSimple to me, I guess because installation was free with that?
USA Spec makes a decent product as well. Yes, the stereo would fit. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...alth-install-aftermarket-stereo-in-prius.html
Nicely done! Would a place like BestBuy be able to do something like this as well, or would they probably jack up the cost?
It's a simple install for any decent stereo installer. They just might not know about it. You can go in and ask them and show them pictures. It is the same as any other install only you use 2 wiring harnesses. If you decide on a shop to do the install, I would be more than happy to talk to the installer to clarify how I did it if needed.
Hmm...yeah, in looking at BestBuy's site, it almost looks like it's a cheaper install to just get a new stereo versus something like DICE etc. When you did your install, are you still able to use the steering wheel controls for volume, et al? Thanks for all your advice with this!
I chose not to use the steering wheel controls. I would have to uy another device to do so. Usbseawolf2000 did a write up on installing a double DIN unit in place of the factory stereo and he wired up the device to keep the steering wheel controls. You might check out his thread. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...pgrade-head-unit-kenwood-excelon-dnx6960.html
If I did do a device like the DICE, Vais, USA Spec, etc, is it pretty hard to get at the back of the factory radio? It looks like some have said it's just a matter of removing the glove box and another component? Similar to replacing the cabin filter?
Assuming the 2005 is similar to the 06-09 models, you can theorectically get to the CD changer plug on the back of the radio by removing the glove box and the trim panel to the right of the radio (it has a vent in it). But..there is a block with dozens if not hundreds of wires which you will have to loosen and push out of the way. Even then, it is very cramped spacing. Once I realized this I bit the bullet and learned how to remove the dash panels to get the radio out. There are instructions and even videos around which show you how to do this. If you are handy enough to remove the glove box and the trim piece you can almost certainly do this. By going this route you will have a lot more options about where to put the new device and where to bring out the wiring. Good luck.
Has anyone with a 2005 Prius had much luck just putting a new unit in? I.e. Sony, JBL, Kenwood, Pioneer? Does it sound better?
It's not too difficult. Here's the complete installation guide: http://priuschat.com/forums/attachm...ne-install-illustrated-guide-dice-install.pdf
I installed the DICE in a 2005 Prius. It's pretty easy, even to get to the back of the stereo, and I have big hands. Hardest part was moving the big white box under the airvent that all the wires plug into. Got it out and back in eventually though.