Hello everyone, I just wanted to briefly introduce myself. My name is Ron. My wife is the proud owner of a 2009 Package 2 Gen II Prius that is similar to the photo posted. I get to drive the Prius on occasion as well as chauffer my wife along with taking care of the Prius. I do appreciate all of the excellent information here on the forum. I have studied and researched this vehicle since they first rolled off the line years ago. It was not until my wife said she wanted one, that the Prius finally made it into our driveway. We bought it used from a Toyota Dealer. It was sold as a Toyota Certified with 42,900 on the odometer. It now has about 47,000 on it. It came with a new set of the original Goodyear Integrities on it. I will probably keep them on there until they are wore out since I am not that aggressive, but if I do start seeing problems, I will then change them out to a better tire, depending on what is available and being recommended at that time. I am seeing a consistant MPG of 48 or better on the highway, and variations of 42 to 45 around town. Around town is short trips with the A/C on so it is expected not to be the best. The car was a rental car from Florida. My wife is the second owner and we both seem to be happy with it. I hope that we can keep this one a long time. It is a godsend to us considering the price of fuel today. I have found this forum to be an excellent source of valuable information and I hope that in some way I can contribute more of the same as time goes by. Also, a special thanks to all of the contributors for without you guys and gals, a forum just would not work. Peace everyone, Ron
Aloha and Welcome Ron and Mrs. Glad you were able to get a Prius, may it provide you with years of fathfull service.