Took my car in for it's 10K 'free' service .... which I'm determined to use, even though I normally do all the service myself and generally don't trust any dealer to work on my car. They did OK I guess, except for overfilling my crankcase by about 3/4 of an inch on the dipstick. I checked it about an hour later, after it had been sitting on level ground and discovered it. Going by the dipstick dots ... I figured that it was overfilled by almost a quart, and that's assuming that the oil pan has the same contours at that point as it does where the dots are on the dipstick, and that it doesn't 'widen out' at the higher level. I called, and they were EXTREMELY apologetic ... almost falling all over themselves apologizing. I told them it was no big deal, but made it VERY CLEAR that it better not happen again. They assured me that it wouldn't. They drained some out and refilled to to the correct level, and now it's right at the full mark. It's funny because this dealer is usually excellent about everything from mechanical service to customer service. It's the third Toyota I've bought from them in 6 years, so I'm a good customer. I guess anybody can make a mistake ... just goes to show you .... double check your oil level if you let the grease monkeys at the dealership change your oil. It's really a shame they can't even get that right. I was waiting for them to tell me that it was OK that way, but they completely agreed with me that it shouldn't be overfilled. Overall a nice, polite experience, although I did have to make an extra trip. REV
I had a similar situation where the manual calls for 4 quarts. The bottles were litres and therefore 4 bottles overfilled.
Most of us pretty much don't care and don't even think about it, especially if we don't normally check the oil. My guess is they routinely do it with no ill effect.
Wouldn't doubt it a bit ... but NOT in MY car. And not so sure with no ill effect. I have no doubt that doing that could reduce gas mileage ... with the crank having to slog through all that extra liquid .... to say nothing of potentially increased crankcase pressures, which could affect seals and gaskets. REV
Certainly not the type of ill effect that the average non-Priuschatter driver would notice, unless they come here asking why their mileage sucks and we throw them the questionnaire.
Our last dealership serviced car was a Honda Civic Hybrid, where they routinely overfilled by 0.8 liter. Spec was 3.2, they put in 4.0. I would have preferred 3.0, and maybe sell me an extra bottle, in case it consumes a bit. I did our first Prius oil change myself, put in spec 4.2 liter, wish now I'd stopped at 4.0, would have been fine, just a bit below top mark. I checked oil level last weekend, this is now a few months since the change, and it does not get any easier to read the dipstick on this car: it is always a smeared up mess, no matter how many times, and how carefully, you wipe and reinsert. The oil's a little darker now, and that helps, but it's really hard with this car to see a definitive oil level.
Years ago, I had a dealer add 4 quarts to the 4 already in my 4cyl Camry after a timing belt change. It felt sluggish on the way home, and I thought they might have missed a tooth or something. I pulled the dipstick and sure enough, the level was way up the stick. I drained and re-filled it myself. Dealer was very apologetic.