Went into Walmart last night for a gallon milk. Came out ten minutes later and immediately saw from 20 feet away that my silver 2010's driver door had been collided with. Cops came and told me these types of hit and runs were a personal let peeve. Turns out we were near some parking lot cameras. Cop called me a few hours later and said they caught the accident on tape and got a license number and had already checked their house (not home).I feel bummed, but happy with the efficiency ofnour little police department here. Now to deal with the insurance...
sorry about your door but, wow! you have a very special police department. let us know the outcome, we have been keyed a few times because of hybrid hate.
Nice! It's not very often that they get caught (mostly because it's considered minor because no one was injured or killed).
wow, that is terrible about the damage to your car, but great about catching the guy... Hope you will take the time to show up at court when his hearing takes place to make sure he has to answer for his crime...
I know it's just a little "crime" in the grand scheme of things, but I plan to push it as far as I can, and the cops seem more than helpful and interested. Maybe they like to have an easily solvable case once in a while.
Good to hear. My wife had our rear bumper punctured in a grocery store parking lot, and this cart or whatever hit hard enough to knock it out of whack and just drove home to tell me so I could flip out about it...obviously there was nothing that could have been done but man does it piss me off. If someone leaves a cart in a lot now I make sure to loudly announce "let me get this for you" and push it the usually under 50' to a buggy corral, hopefully it will shame people into doing right every now and then.
Also surprised the police were so nice about it. Here they just say "it is not on public roads, it is a civil matter" and walk away. Give those cops a thumbs up for actually doing their job, not many left that actually do.
Same thing in Los Angeles. Luckily, when a girl hit my bumper and tried to leave, the parking attendant stoped the driver (I still have to post some pictures, but it's pretty boring). I say throw the hit and run idiots in jail. I believe if there was bodily injury, these people wouldn't have stopped. So, put them in the pokey for what they probably would do (yeah, that ain't politically correct, but a hit and run really upsets me, too). Mike
Did they let you see the tape or provide you with the license number and address? Many scum who hit and run don't have insurance or money to go after, so your insurance may have to pay for it. I wonder if they were drunk when they smashed into your Prius. It would be nice to have their car confiscated/auctioned and license (if any) permanently revoked, but that's just a fantasy of justice that will never happen. If they are sleazy enough, they may just disappear into even darker crevices of society without so much as a slap on the wrist.
Walmart wouldn't show us the video. They only do that for the police. They then have 7-10 to file the actual report. I then get a copy. i went to the cop shop today but it's not filed yet. I think my mileage has gone down heh.