So I am not sure what quite to do here. I hear that I should let the paint settle for a little while after I buy the car and NOT wax or clay bar it. Then I hear I should wax and clay it directly from the dealership to start with as close to perfect as I can get and wax it. I live in Florida and the hot sun kills the clearcoat here and it's a good idea to get this done as soon as possible. I have all the equipment (just not the know how to do it). I even have an orbital buffer I have never used thinking I would learn one day and keep my cars super clean and learn to use all this stuff, but that still hasn't happened yet. Any ideas? Any tips? Should I NOT clay or wax the car right away? Thanks Ryan
i waxed my 2011 as soon as i got the car home,i know it was on the lot for a couple of months for what ever reason before i got it, but i did have a pontaic that i believe i waxed too early, end result was it got scratched easy, the prius paint seems to be a tougher paint on the surface, but did you order the car or was it on the lot ,if you got it on order i would wait at least 30 to 45 days to let the clear coat set all the way, just my opinion !!!!!
"Let the paint settle a little while after I buy the car?" Who told you this, the paint is settled. It's not like they paint it at the dealership. It's painted in Japan you know, passes all their QC, has to fly on a plane to get to FL. Paint is done settling way before all that. Sorry anyways, my point is...Get it done right away.
Consider that your paint is probably already over 30 days old by the time you pick up your car at the dealer. Some people say 60 days. No harm in waiting that long. Some people say right away, but if you go lay your nose on a 1 week old factory paint job, you can still smell the paint a little bit, so that's not good advice. That means the paint is still outgassing so it's not a good idea to use a wax or sealant that would prevent that.
They come over on boats not planes. But it literally JUST got in from port yesterday. So it hasn't been 30 or 60 days yet for sure. I know it only takes (or so I have heard) roughly 3 weeks to get here from Japan once they actually build it. I was curious.. So I will wait 2 months. No harm there I suppose except for it will be in the Scorching SUMMER Florida sun the whole time. Anyone else wanna chime in. I have heard of people claying their cars right away and others still saying to wait. Just figured I would ask the community Ryan
Directly From Meguiar's Site: " A new car with a factory paint job can be waxed the moment it is rolled out of the manufacturing plant. Cars that have factory paint jobs are cured at much higher temperatures, sometimes as high as 300 degrees in special baking ovens. At a factory level, the car goes through the painting and baking process without any of the rubber, plastic, and cloth components installed. This is why they can expose the car and it's fresh paint to such high temperatures. These high temperatures and special paints used at the factory level insures the paint is fully cured by the time the car is completely assembled. After-market paint finishes however, are cured at a much lower temperature to ensure the method of baking or heating the paint doesn't melt non-metal components such as wiring and vinyl. For this reason, it's best to follow the specific paint manufactures recommendations for care and maintenance of fresh paint. Most paint manufactures that supply paint to the refinish industry recommend that you allow anywhere from 30 to 90 days curing time after the paint is applied before you apply the first application of wax." Guess I SHOULD wash, wax, and Clay the crap out the car. RYan
Make sure it's in this order: WASH -> squeegee excess water with silicone blade -> DRY with a waffle drying towel -> CLAY -> WAX If the exterior of your car is black like mine, do this process at least once a day (j/k..... not.) Also, never do this process in direct sunlight. It's best to do it early morning or near sunset in cool weather. This was the first thing I did when I purchased my car off the dealership.
Yes, do clay your brand new car and repeat once a year. It isn't necessary to dry your car before claying as it's going to get wetted anyway with a lubricant. I'd re-wash it after claying to ensure no residues are left behind before sealing/waxing.
Mine had to be clayed pretty much as soon as I got it because it had a bad case of rail / industrial dust in the paint. They did the clay at the dealer's shop. I bought a clay kit soon after because it (dust) came back and I still see it two years later. Anyway, it won't hurt to do it now but you could easily wait too.
It is important to wait on a respray, but for factory finishes, it should be safe to seal and clay immediately.
I have the Blizzard Pearl. Toyota did a GREAT job with this paint job. No orange peel that I can see. Real nice.
Mine is Classic Silver, because I hate washing and waxing my car and it hides the dirt the most. Thanks for the tips and I will be sure to take it and wash, CLAY, Wash, Wax it right away (well after it gets out of the stereo shop)... Thanks Ryan
Just got my Winter Metallic Gray last Thursday. Love the looks of the color --- but, I would NEVER buy it again Shows dirt like crazy . I wish I would have got the silver instead (which would have been the same color as the 4Runner I traded in). With that said --- mine is going to get a good wash down, clay bar treatment, second washdown, and waxing this weekend if the weather cooperates. Hopefully a good coat of Meguiar's wax will help it look clean for a little longer between washes.
Congrats on the car. I pick mine up tomorrow or saturday. I went with the silver. The first thing I am doing is taking it the stereo shop. The second is Wash, Clay Bar, Wash, Wax. Ryan