I drive a Ford F250 for work and catch myself doing some of my habit formed Prius things, like: - tug on the door handle to unlock it, then remember I have to use the key, - I unlock it, unconsciously put the key back in pocket, get in truck then reach for the power button to start the truck, - when I exit the truck, I reach for the door handle to press the lock sensor my co-workers think I am nuts. they might not be far off. :wacko: so do y'all do anything of the sort?
When I'm driving the Prius I try to do Insight-I things like: shift; go into neutral, shut down the ICE, and coast; add in regen on downhills and when coasting to a stop. I sometimes find myself reaching for the shift knob and the clutch.
Yup, I get major brain farts when I am forced to drive any other vehicle other than the Prius. Having SKS, we are so spoiled with the added convenience. I think we don't know how dependent we are to SKS till it's gone! In my case, when I do the "Prius thing" and fail, I freeze up and get all pissed off . Friends and family look at me funny and think I have some sort of mental disorder. :crazy: To top it off, I'm too lazy to have to explain myself to them that I own a Prius with this awesome technology. Whatever.
I also do it. Leave the key in my pocket.......then have to dig it out. glide to a stop sign or red light. It's become a way to drive everything.
I'm usually good with SKS (I remember to press the unlock button on the remote fob) but I have caught myself reach for a POWER button instead of twisting the key. I've also looked down at the radio, expecting to see the MFD.
You better start explaining yourself lest they commit you to a mental ward. That straitjacket doesn't feel too good.
Got a F-150. Can't understand why the parking brake won't release when I push the pedal the second time. Forget cruise control won't hold speed back when going downhill.
My method is easier: I put myself into hypnosis before I step out to use another car, to place me in a time before I ever used a Prius. I literally feel young again and make none of those mistakes.
i drive prius in ECO mode. so any time i drive any other car, i spin the tires. one time i did it at night in my neighborhood. what a jerk i am. c..
Both my FOB batteries died at the same time and I had to use the manual key for a few days. That was annoying, especially when it rained and I was carrying groceries. I taught my friend driving. After a few weeks of city driving, I asked him to go to a driving school to get highway experience. He got in to the instructor's car and asked "where is the power button?".
select reverse gear and waiting for beep noise, waiting, and realise, it's back to 90's, it's honda with manual transmission. No beep noise there.
In the Fiesta I will lift my left foot to hit the parking brake, even after pulling up on the center console e-brake. I do grab the handle a lot expecting it to open and sometimes reach for the button.
I have a Prius, a Saab and a Mercedes. I'm about as confused as they come sometimes. I get in the Saab, reach for the button, then reach in my pocket, pull key out, try to stick it in the steering wheel area, wave it around a few times, finally put it between the seats where the ignition key goes. Such fun!
It actually works pulse and glide with my 2010 honda fit. Also has lrr tires which i run 40 front 38 rear.
I would think... lol. I remember doing that with a Yaris rental (trying to find the POWER button) then once I got used to the Yaris, my smart arrived and I was putting the key in the wrong place (it's in the same place as your Saab). The foot brake vs. handbrake gets me too.