Hi all, For those who are interested in getting a cheap Toyota Seed Number to Pass-Code calculator, After long suffering,I have managed to get a software can do that efficiently for a low price. PM me for any details. Tested and working 100% with me, Im using it to reprogram USED smartkeys for Prius and all other Toyotas/Lexus as described in this thread. - The price is ~375$ (the cheapest version of ICC only for Toyota is for 750$ ) - The generated code is valid only on your licensed computer, you cant send the code to someone else. Update 26.07.2011: New calculation for 96 characters Seed Number for TechStream V5.1 and 6.xx is now supported. Here is eBay Link
thank you very much man! thats great help.do you also have the tech stream software at affordable price listed on ebay? if not pls list it for me.you may also tell me how much you will sell for me and send me your paypal account if you think listing it will violate the ebay guidelines. Thank you