So I'm just a bit out of my warranty period (3yr one expired at end of April)... Now that the weather has warmed up considerably what used to be a quiet intermittent squeak has turned into an annoying, non-stop, noticeable one. It's louder and getting on my nerves. I did some reading of other dash rattles and squeaks but none seemed to be exactly what I have. Or, I haven't been able to figure this out yet. The noise seems to be coming from the center of the dash, somewhere in front of the center speaker. In an effort to isolate the source of the noise, I've pressed down on every part of the dash in the middle. I've pressed down on the plastic covering by the speedo and warning lights. I've pressed on the defroster outlets (stuck my fingers into them a bit). I've pressed down on the "crack" between those two long pieces of (clear?) plastic in the instruments. I removed the center speaker and pulled up slightly and pressed down on the main dash top itself. I just can't seem to narrow this problem down. I'm thinking that the squeak could be coming from somewhere underneath/within the dashboard itself. Any suggestions besides removing the whole dash? This is definitely a squeak and not a rattle, and is WAY more noisy now that the car is out in hot temperatures. It seems like it's happening because a plastic part of the dash is expanding due to heat and rubbing on another plastic part. That's how it seems anyway. Thanks!
i have the same issue on my 08 as well, but mine seems to be comming from around the speedometer area. really anoying squeak sound.
If it comes down to it I might let the dealer fix it. Their shop rate is $99.50/hr so I'd like to fix it myself if possible
I have the same exact problem on my 2008. Started in the middle of a road trip. One minute everything was fine, the next I have this squeek--sounds like two pieces of plastic rubbing together, and it is non-stop. I called the dealer and they said it will likely go away when cooler temps return but it's driving me nuts. They said they usually correct he issue by taking apart the dash and putting some material in between the plastic to correct the squeek, but it's usually around a $200 job. I'm wondering if some WD-40 might do the trick? Anyone see any issues that might be cuased by doing this?
BS on the cooler temps; rattles and squeaks are the worst during the winter. OP, I isolated my rattle (which I thought came from the center speaker) to the plastic pieces touching each other near the speedometer. It looks like you already checked it, but give it another thorough test again.
I had the same problem with one of our 2007s. Took it to the local audio shop installers as they are familiar with taking the dash apart. They put some padding in somewhere and it's been good for years.
Well I thought I'd give you an update on this issue. I took it to the dealership who was able to narrow down the noise, and actually fix it. The fix in my case is as follows: "Found lack of insulation between cowl and windshield. Apply felt on cowl to prevent interference at windshield and road test to ensure noise is gone". Well, they did it. I'm not positive if they meant the put felt on the front (outside) or back (interior) side of the windshield. But the felt they applied fixed the noise. It sure sounded like it was right in the front middle of the windshield so I think it was on the inside but I'm not positive. Anyway, I'm a happy customer now. FYI.