Does anyone have or know where I could get a performance chart for the water pump in Toyota Prius cooling system? I am specifically looking for a relationship between the engine speed and the coolant flow rate. Thanks.
Which pump? There are two, one is engine driven and the other is electric motor driven to maintain circulation when the ICE is off. A search of this site will show a diagram of the system. I do not know where the performance info can be obtained.
So about the pump - dealer tells me my new (to me) prius is in need of a water pump, that mine is leaking, plus a 60$ pvc pipe and a 45$ filter - they quoted me 560$ for the pump incl labor. I found hybrid websites showing 375$ for the pump and the other items I'm a little skeptical on. Yet my A/C is blowing freezer-cold and I have no warning lights coming on telling me something is up. How much should this really cost, and without going to schedule with another dealer and pay an hour's labor for no reason, how can I tell if they're even telling the truth? They told me my headlight was out when it wasnt here, but I dont want to mess with another major repair.
a] good job reviving a 4 year old thread b] water pump has NOTHING to do with the A/C. The water pump is the thing that pumps coolant in your engine to cool it so it doesn't overheat and explode. That has nothing to do with the A/C, which is run by a compressor that exchanges freon. c] if the water pump is leaking, then replace it. Otherwise, you will eventually leak out all your coolant, your engine will overheat, and well, yeah. There will be no warning lights for a leaking water pump. Check Engine Lights are related to emission/hybrid components only, not mechanical components that have no electrical connection. d] the prices you find online are cheaper than whats at the dealer is because dealers always sell parts online for cheaper than retail prices. If you want, ask the dealer for the part #s of the parts you need. Then go online, order the parts, save some $$, take the parts into the dealer, and have it replaced. e] ignore your water pump, and your engine will be sorry.
Hi Ole..., Look at the underside of your hood. If there is a green line even with the passenger side of the engine, then your water pump is leaking. What happens is the coolant leaks out through the water pump bearing, and propagates along the underside of the water pump pulley in a thin layer. When it reaches the edge of the pulley, where it gets flung off. This draws the line of coolant stain on the underside of the hood. My water pump was repaired under the 60 K mile warranty along with my heat recovery water pump. They did both at the same time, this spring. That dealarship probably has me as a life-time maintenance customer now.
Alternative to dealer pricing: Buy a benteley manual, and change it yourself. I have the water pump on my shelf, along with a PCV valve, spark plugs and the serpentine belt. I'll change all 4 in the autumn as preventive maintenance in my 125k mile car, in addition to fluid changes and inverter coolant pump replacement. Total cost is about $200 parts. If you search this forum you will find FANTASTIC help for DIY'ers. I never did any maintenance work myself on cars before the Prius, and I am no mechanical talent, to be sure. All it takes is patience and a bit of common sense. The digital camera and forums like this one have freed people from dealers. Take advantage!
In the case of the Prius, since the coolant is pink, I would expect the line to be pinkish or whitish. If the coolant actually is green then someone put the wrong coolant in the system.
Well, $560 doesn't appear to be outwardly expensive, considering shop rates for dealers is around $100 per hour. Have them replace the belt while they are in there too. It won't add to the labour cost and is cheap insurance. As for the headlamp, do you have HIDs? They are known to go on and off in a random manner, and that would explain their desire to replace.
Just as an FYI- My engine water pump died at 67k mi. I was lucky to have an extended warranty. I glanced through the dealer paperwork and saw TMIC paid ~$592 for the repair. So all in all the $560 sounds about right. I noticed an issue because I could hear water sloshing around in the dash area. I figured I was low on coolant and simply needed to be topped off. Should have known better and checked more thoroughly under the hood to see the water pump seal leaking coolant. Got lucky this go around. I am concerned that it failed at 60k mi. I guess I should not be surprised though poking around the net I see this is more common than expected.
The water pump just failed on my 2006 Prius at a bit under 65K miles. I got charged about $500 for the repair after complaining about the original $550 estimate. I'm told by people who know cars that 65K miles is pretty early for the water pump to fail.
The only good news is that the engine water pump was redesigned in 2008 and the replacement will hopefully last the life of the engine.
?? I'm not aware that the engine coolant pump was redesigned. I would say that it is not unusual for a mechanical coolant pump to fail after 100K miles or so. Failure at 65K miles is sooner than normal. MSRP of the pump is $92.34 and you can buy it here for $69.26 plus shipping: Champion ToyotaWorld Hence, a price of $500+ for pump replacement at the dealer implies 4 hours of labor or more, which seems excessive.
Gen II has seen two progressions in the part number for this water pump: 1610029155 -> 1610029156 -> 161002915683. Unfortunately, mechanical water pumps have always been an area where Toyota quality is merely average.
Do you know the date transistion for each of the updates to the ICE water pump? I replaced mine as preventive maintenance at 150k miles about two years ago. JeffD
Yup ice water pump will soon get replaced on our 06', is leaking a small amount (for a longtime) now is beginning to get a worse leak from behind the pulley area. I believe it is worse when starting cold in mornings and not waiting for the ice to warm up, if you rev it much in this condition it will leak. Just top off coolant and you're good for couple months.. then check level often. Where is the best place to drain the system? I've heard down by the chs pump. I will of course be vaccum lifting the new coolant in when finished and time for the new coolant. Wasn't there a video on replacing the pump in genII? The 06' still runs great at 50-60+/- mpg almost daily so no other problems yet.