I just got back from work, and had a perfect stairstep pattern for my commute. I set Trip B before leaving the office. http://i.imgur.com/2c6zW.jpg My car's not even broken in yet, so this is quite promising!
Great! Going into work I can exceed 60 mpg too, however coming home I get about 47 mpg (summer). It all works out to about 52 on the average / tank.
I did for part of the way; perhaps five miles of the (not quite) thirty. I just kept it smooth, just above the center line on the ECO gauge for the most part.
Well - I got really jealous after reading this. I just filled up the other day, and decided to try Eco mode out again. When I first got this car, I used ECO mode for a few months, and then switched over to normal for over a year. I'm back with ECO mode. I think after you master fuel economy in normal mode, if you switch it over to ECO you'll be seeing extremely great numbers. Check my picture: inb4 short trip, slow speed, etc.. I was going 50-60 MPH for over half of this trip or so. Sure, it's not a long distance, but I don't remember numbers like this, this early into a tank. I'm going on a 300 mile road trip tomorrow. Will report back with FE if anyone is interested. (Not trying to hi-jack thread OP)
Thus far, I've been taking the manual at its word about ECO mode and mainly using it on surface streets and in stop-and-go traffic, and normal mode on the highways.I'm still on this car's first tank of fuel, but with two pips remaining on the fuel gauge, the computer is estimating 54 MPG for this tank. Lulz, I for one would like to hear your report, worry not about thread-jacking T-Mobile G2 ?
Yup. Live in Woodland and work in Auburn near the train station. My commute elevation map from Davis. I could still get 52-53mpg on this commute driving 65mph on the 15s with dB Super E-Spec tires. Now I'm down to 43-45mpg with the 17" setup. The y-axis is multiplied by 10.