I was wondering if there is a vent setting to just blow air through the cabin or is it required to set a temperature to have the fan blow air?
MAX COLD for the Iconic (04-09) model. LO for the current (10-11) model. Both bypass the heat/cool system and just blow air from the outside. And if you also select RECIRC, it will use air from the intead instead. .
Also make sure the A/C compressor is turned off. This and the above settings that John mentioned will give you vented air from the outside.
there is no max cold on the gen II prius...there is 65 and then LO....neither kick on compressor unless you select A/C....
Did they change something I wasn't aware of and am just learning about? In my '04 I go from 65 to max cold. Seriously, it says "MAX COLD"
lower than 65 it goes to LO..no MAX COLD here on my 06.....maybe I got screwed or you gave someone "special favors" to get your "special edition"???
The only problem with this whole scenario is the Prius is NOT a balloon! If you want a good flow of outside air you are going to have to open at least 1 window, at least 1/2 inch or better. I usually choose the passenger rear window. Try it, the minute you open the window, the air flow will increase quite a bit. But then, so will the NOISE, I live with it! !
Maybe the names for the settings differ between markets. Mine says 'max cold'. I leave the windows down a bit around town, but all the way up on the highway - it's just too noisy otherwise.
cant the air get out of the prius via the battery cooling vent? added benefit is airflow over batteries without the battery fan running... just a thought. although i agree with all of you that to get some decent vent flow cracking a rear window is very beneficial. especially with fan on low or off