I have had an odd one this week. next to new G2, that the abs pump would run nearly every time you step firmly on the brakes AND if you held firm presure on it for 3 minutes or so like you are waiting for a light, it would run 2-5 seconds every 3 minutes or so. checked tsb's...nothing, called TAC....they said it was a "normal" condition. Funny, because 2 of my new stock did not do it. I suspect a machine chip in the actuator bore or some similar cause for pressure loss. Brake system presure did not fall according to the scan tool, but a cycling pump tells me the accumulator is loosing psi. $2500 actuator and 3 hours later problem resolved. 3 weeks ago I did a stroke sim for a "loss of pedal feel" concern. Stroke sim ok electrically, mecanicaly it would not hold psi. I am not saying this to send the board into a tailspin panic, but there does appear to be an issue with some of the 05 G2's. Regards, Mike
I have an 04 and as far as I can tell it does not do anything when I "stand on the brake" at a stop. I have had a tendency to have a heavy foot on the brake at stops to shut down the ICE. Only recently have I discovered that I may have been overdoing it. I regularly drive the car with the sound system off to listen to the car as I drive it. Should I be able to hear this or would you only pick it up with an instrument? Would the ScanGage help? BTW is an hour south as far south as I am or less or more?
thanks for the headups Mike. i havent noticed a problem either but i always put it in park at the light so my foot is not on the brake...(hate wasting electricity on brake lights i guess...hehehe)
i hear all sorts of weird prius stories from my husband's workplace. (that's definitely a new one. thanks Mike.) for example: car overheats after coolant thermos is replaced due to accident, problem was tech didn't purge and refill coolant system car restarts itself after being shut down and mfd and trip odo reset, due to loose 12v battery cable. current prius in the shop has check engine light with 4 codes, no functional problems, currently being diagnosed. maybe we should start a list of strange things prii do when something's wrong? i imagine between all the techs on this board and the stories i hear we'd have quite a list. but then again, we don't want to freak everyone out here. i do enjoy hearing how things get fixed.
Yes, we are neighbors. You can hear it with the naked ear, and the scantool was not much help. As far as notifying Toyota, pollicy and procedure is to run odd problems past TAC (technical assistance). Once a case is started, I must call TAC again to close the case post repair. This then goes into a data base and the next tech to call tac with a similar problem is told "we had one that sounds similar and this is what that guy did to fix it". Additionally, that part is sent back to toyota for reverse engineering. Production changes are not published for many concerns, and often the only way to tell is a slight number change on future service parts. I feel overall product quality of all platforms and a special attention to detail on the hybrid platforms is what will make Toyota #1 globaly and here in the states. They keep a pretty sharp eye on the hybrid issues because I feel they are driving the Auto industry away from diesel, and the nonsence of GM's hydrogen cars. Anyone catch the WSJ, above the fold, front page article about toyota vs. GM? Ever wonder why you can get a 4K rebate and 0% finaning on a GM? They just can't give them away.....I just returned from vacatioin in Bonaire and 80% of the cars on the island are toyota products, 10% mazda, and 10% suzuki. I could count on one hand the number of GM/ford products I saw. Regards, Mike