I just got the word that my noisy steering is likely the rack going out on my 2001 Prius. Service manager said $2500 parts, $500 labor - rough estimate. But that it is not needing replaced just yet. My kneejerk reaction is to think we should trade it in on another car. If we do, I'll miss this little thing. Not first owner, but put 50,000 miles on it and averaged 51 mpg or thereabouts. sigh
I bought a used rack from eBay and had it replaced by my local independent non-prius specific repair shop. In fact, they had never touched a prius until mine. The only one I can see right now on eBay (which is a hell of a deal...) is the following: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/01-02-03-PRIUS-STEERING-GEAR-RACK-POWER-RACK-PINION-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQfitsZYearQ3a2001Q7cModelQ3aPriusQQhashZitem35b319a76dQQitemZ230638069613QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories If that part doesn't pan out, I have had excellent luck using the following eBay seller: eBay My World - alltoyotalexusparts I have had to do a warranty exchange with them before, and they honeored their 6 Month warranty, no issues at all. Just my $.02 EDIT: Just found another one http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/01-0...ptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
If I remember right, I paid around $125 for the rack, and aorund $300 for the independent shop to install it. He said that it wasn't anything special, except for that it is purely electrical, it was actually easier for him to not mess with Power steering pumps / fluids etc.
I had the same problem with my 2002. I picked one up a refurb for $400, got it installed by a local garage for about 300. I have 600 miles on it, and it's running like a top. However, there is a recall under way for old Prii. Steering Problem Prompts Recall of 52,000 Toyota Priuses It looks like there is a good chance that you might get Toyota to replace the rack. Take it to your dealership and ask about the recall.
I have a 2001 prius which toyota just replaced the 12v battery on. They told me the steering needed repair and that it was under warrenty they are going to have it ready soon no charge on steering. it has 275,000 miles on it
The rack on my 2002 Prius began shuddering over a year ago. We replaced it with a used steering rack. This did not solve the problem and left us with no power steering, which is how we've been driving it for over a year now. Since I'd rather live with the minor inconvenience of no power steering, I opted not to try again to have it fixed. I haven't called them yet, but I doubt this "Tightening of Pinion Shaft Nuts" will do anything for my rack. They might reimburse my attempts to fix the problem, however, if I submit receipts of the work done.
Hey Brad, I just got my pinion-nut letter in the mail today, and there was a second letter in the same envelope that might put a smile on your face! :rockon: -Chap
Got a letter from Toyota today stating they are extending steering warranty through 2013 regardless of mileage. YEAH!!! (sorry, did not search to see if any other discussion on this had been started yet)