The driver experiences the earthquake in his car. One hour later he encounters stopped traffic as the tsunami can be seen up ahead. He remains in the car and opened his window awaiting a chance to get out. But he is swept away and crashes into a building only 4 minutes after he came in contact with the tsunami. Obviously he survived to tell the story Tsunami Japanese Inside A Car! - Funny Videos at Videobash
Wow, unbelievable footage! Makes me wonder if our beloved Prius has the ability to float above water? I'll add this to my "what if" list that I already have etched in my brain. BTW, I noticed the title of the link has the word "Funny Videos", I'm sure that wasn't intentional.
It's obvious that the video survived but how do we know the driver survived? Anyone speak Japanese? In any case that was just plain frightening to watch!
The Japanese commentary around 1:29 says. When his car came close to the black van (with the driver inside) Muroga-san thought about escaping and opened his window" At 2:52, "At this time Muroga-san was contemplating when to get out of his car". So therefore, he must have gotten out, taking the HD video cam with him. He must have swallowed that dirty water but lived. Don't know about the guy seen previously inside the black Honda van seen riding on top later. Quite a harrowing experience
wow. Amazing footage. So at the end when the water came in, I assume that's when he stopped the cam and got out?