Hello prius chatters. I am 18 years old. My grandpha promissed me that he will buy any car i want if i pass the exams to enter university this year. 8 months ago i told him that the car of my dreams is a full loaded 2011 prius, which would cost 40.000euro. He agreed to buy it for me if i pass. I did. But unfortunately, my grandpha was a liar. He thinks there are so many good cheap cars you can buy! Why spend so many money on the road? What should i do? My ideas are to insist him for buying me a 2010 prius (my parents will help which are really upset), or another idea is to find a used 2006 prius, full loaded!! It will be even cheaper. What are your ideas?
Respect your elders, take what he gives you and prove you earned it, when you are a grandfather you will understand...
After cultivating an attitude of gratitude, if the choice is between a base 2010, and a loaded 2006, take the 2010. The 2006 (base or loaded) is a great car as well, warrants full appreciation.
I guess I have been blinded by my ambition of getting such a great car as well as of the perfection of it, while it belongs to older, more mature men than I am, who have a job while I 'm still a student. Perhaps I should wake up. Thanks of your advice
If you can get a great deal on the 2010 I would go for it since you will have a better warranty. Either car is great so I would try to go with your grandfather's wishes. Someday when he passes you'll feel better about your decision to go with the flow instead of trying to strong arm him. Good luck with your entrance to the university!
my kids grandpa pulled the same stunt on them. i learned long ago to take everything he says with a grain of salt. get the newest car he will buy you. still a great deal and a great grandpa.
My father's gift to me was conveying his strong sense of independence and his work ethic. Although he could give me nothing financially, he gave me his example of how to work, live frugally and save my money. A car is a money drain for a college student. Walk, use public transportation and save your money. Learn from Greece, times will be tough ahead. He who can discipline himself will survive and live well. And that starts at a young age. This is a tough pill to swallow as a young person, but I've done it and prospered. Dave Ramsey says "Live like no one else right now so that later in life when you are old you will be able to live like no one else." Unlike your Grandfather, I will never promise my grandchildren any major gifts because I want them to learn how to work hard and be independent and not wait for me to give them things. But, in cases of emergency, I will always be there.