My 2010 nav went bad this weekend on the road. It says it does not see my DVD. If you eject it and put it back in, it will SOMETIMEs, rarely come on a few seconds then back to not seeing the DVD. Anyone have an idea on how to fix it?
I would check the DVD for dirt, fingerprints or scratches. There are cleaning kits that you can get from an audio store. If the DVD looks good, it should still be under warranty, so let a dealer take care of it. I am on my third Nav unit - they are so well built .... At least in each case it has been a warranty issue. Another reason to have an extended warranty on the Prius. A non-warranty replacement will pay for the extended warranty.
I tried another DVD today and it did not work. Dealer said that a new one was $4000, reman was 2000. Found a reman on net for 1400. Is there anyone that can repair the one I own?