Remember the good old days when we used a key to open up the car, and put the key in the ignition to turn the car...well, does the prius have that "option" anymore? Meaning, if the smart key dies, can I use a regular key that comes with the car to open the car and use the key to start the car? Also, is there a valet key (or is this what I am referencing in my description above) Thanks
If smart key dies, remove the metal key housed in the fob, use it to open the drivers door, then insert the fob into the fob slot as you would a non-smart key system. I'm thinking of using this method when I go kayaking as you can't hide the smart key around the car for obvious reasons, and I dont want to lose or get the 400.00 smart key wet. So I may disable the smart key temporarily, hide the fob in the car, and take the little metal key with me when I am on the water.
As stated above. You can't use a "mechanical" key to turn the car on. It needs the FOB. Either wireless (with a good FOB battery), or plugged into the slot in the dash (with either a good FOB battery or a dead one). Oh, and no, the FOB battery does not recharge when it's in the dash! It's a lithium primary cell (not rechargeable). As far as kayaking, take the FOB with you. Just seal it in a zip-lock bag or one of those fancy canoeing or kayaking waterproof bags. Leaving it in the car is asking to have the car stolen! If you do decide to chance it and leave it in the car, put it in a metal container (pill tin or whatever). Turning "off" the SKS will still not prevent the car from detecting it inside.
OK--Thank you for all of your responses--so I need to put that metal key that can completely detach from the smart key (by the way, what is the FOB? Sorry, I am very new to this...) and metal key can go into where the smart key usually goes, and then you can still push the button to turn the car on. Thanks for the clarification.
Not quite: the metal mechanical key which is stored in the fob locks and unlocks the door. To start the car, slide the fob itself into the fob slot near the steering wheel. Leave the fob in the slot the entire time that the car is ON; do not force the fob from the slot. Yes, the fob is the boxy plastic thing with buttons on it.
How would you use a valet key with the Prius? There is no trunk, and the glove box does not lock. Tom
I'd recommend that you get the cheapest Prius keyfob that you can find. Take the battery out. Program the transponder code (keyslot function) using the procedure in . You now have a keyfob that will start the car, but can be left inside the car without interfering with the SKS functions. Then get a few $2 mechanical keys from anywhere duplicate keys are made. Carry the mechanical key with you on the kayak, and leave the transponder only keyfob in the car. Leave your expensive full function keyfobs at home. The mechanical key gets you into the car, and the keyfob inserted into the dash lets you start the car.
A non SKS fob will start a SKS car once programed but will not unlock the doors. Well no one I know of has succeeded in getting it to unlock the doors. Non SKS fobs are the fobs with black Toyota symbol on the back, not the silver one.
Our 2007 Prius went crazy this morning. My husband couldn't get the car to respond to the FOB. He finally was able to get into the car with the metal key, but couldn't get the car to respond. The FOB has a relatively new battery. He told me not to even try, but when I opened the door to get in immediately beeping started. And when I opened the door to get out the beeping started. It stops when the door is closed. Any idea why this is happening? I'm also researching and trying to find out what the button underneath the steering wheel which says "key" does.
So our wonderful mechanic came to help and found the 12 volt battery dead. He was able to give it enough juice to drive a few minutes. He suggested we call AAA and bring a new battery as the Toyota dealership needed time to order one. AAA didn't have one. So we are stuck until Tuesday without use of the Prius. We nearly couldn't get to the battery as you can't open the rear door without a battery operating it. Catch 22. I tried to start it keyless and though the dashboard lights up, the car won't leave "Park". Then it wouldn't shut down. It took several attempts of various kinds. We don't want to shut the rear door as we fear it won't open again. As I say - Catch 22. Is the shortage of these batteries due to the Japan earthquake? I'm just wondering as there are so many Prius owners in SoCal, AAA should have them in stock.
The "key" button under the steering wheel is the SKS on/off toggle for the Smart Key System function.
It is possible to open the tailgate without power from the inside, but it requires crawling over the back seat. It's easier to jump-start the car (using the jump point under the hood).
To recap: you can get into the car with the mechanical key, open the hood, and jump start it under the hood. Once started the car does not need a good 12V battery to stay running. Relatively little current is needed to start the car so one work-around is to buy a portable emergency battery and use that for starting.