Hi guys I just signed up for a second hand third generation i-Tech with solar roof. Took me two month to find it in stealth grey . Very happy now. 1) I am quite keen to add lights to the wheels like shown in this Japanese Prius party: Thanks.
Welcome aboard! Are you sure you want to add the well lighting? I image that someone on here has but really hasn't spoken up. There are some that have purchased the lit emblem and have done a DIY project with tube lighting and LEDs. Search for a thread by drunkenmaster.
I've been searching for several months now for kits to do this, but have found mixed results... Some were expensive and flashed all kinds of crazy words and colors, and some were so cheap that I couldn't imagine them lasting long enough to make it worth the money to have someone install them. I'm still researching. I was going back, trying to find some of the ones that I had found previously, but I'm not having much luck with my Google attempts... I'll let u know if I run onto something. I think it's cool as heck!
Ok I get the idea Second thought, the wheel lights might be illegal in Australia. Also sometimes I do go over speed limit just a little bit especially going down hills. Those wheel lights might just attract unnecessary extra attention from hidden cops. I'll see if I can find out about emblem light though and let you guys know.
I'm still trying to find the wheel lights, and will let u know if I find something. Seems like maybe someone else found a few things when I mentioned it before, but I've slept since then. I'll have to search for my post before where I asked about this same thing....
You guys are funny... it is your car, do with it you want. amylase, here is drunken masters work on the emblem. and another thread...
That's like saying that the movie Tron was ghetto.... Where I live, 2/3 of the county is "ghetto", but nobody has wheel lights. Just the crown on the dash, 26" rims, jacked up Caprice Classics, velvet interiors, rattling trunks and squeaking suspension, colored windshield tints, etc.... Nothing that is "high tech".... The glowing wheels fits the high-tech nature of our cars, I feel.
The 1950s called, they want their wheel well lights back "Beehive" style truck/trailer marker lights work well inside wheel wells. They throw light off to the side as well, so if you position them correctly inside the wheel well they will do a nice job of lighting up a wheel. One source is... Beehive | IOWA80.COM
That might have been the case if the ghetto people around here didn't make it ghetto, particularly when it comes to underside body light. But it's your car and it's a free country, so do whatever you want.
I know a guy in Berkeley who does cool looking lights for bikes. I'm sure you could apply it to your rims too. monkeylectric - Downtown Berkeley - Berkeley, CA
Another Aussie! Yay! If you're after some Japanese stuff, try going to Import Monster and do a search through the yahoo auction section. They are far from cheap but they can get stuff over. Especially trinkets and gadgets to dress up a Prius. I've got an item on order that I couldn't find on some of the Japanese sellers on Ebay. Oh, btw, don't install those lights if you want to use them out on the street. Not for the obvious reasons but they don't like the heat coming off the brakes if you give the brakes a hard time. Probably OK right now in winter but you would stand out like a sore thumb in the mundane traffic.