i was installing an fm transmitter (the kind that hard wires into the antanae). It requires a power source, so I cut into the 2 wires connecting the cigarette adapter to hard wire it in. i was fairly careful, and it seems to be pretty safely wired. I powered up and there is absolutely no power going to that wire now. even when i unwired it and tried to return it to original state, its nothing. whats wrong? Fuse? I looked, the fuses all LOOK good but I don't know if I'm looking in the right place. there was also no indication that a fuse issue occured. any suggestions?
Yes, get the owners manual out. Find the correct fuse for that outlet, it will show you all the fuse panels and tell you what each fuse supplies. Replace the fuse even if it looks good, sometimes a blown fuse can look good. If that does not work you may need to get someone who understands the electrical system to help you troubleshoot it. Next time pull the fuse before you start working on it.
fuse looks good but i'll try replacing it just for good measure. i've got my laptop out here with me so makes things easier!
i replaced the fuse. no luck... how can cutting a wire do this? it was working before! i've even re-wired it back the way it was and no luck...
Is that the only thing that quit working? There is a master fuse somewhere that may have blown. Did you cut one wire and then cut the other? or did you cut them both at the same time?
i cut them both at the same time. is that bad? It is the ONLY plug that doesn't work. the other adapter in the center console works fine. i assume that the fuse for this is under the setering weal, as indicated by the manual. there are many fuse boxes in this car though...
well, in retrospect, your comment seems sensable. but tapping into a power source on a car is about as easy as something gets..
cutting both at the same time is a bad idea. Do you have a tester? Is power in the wire going to the socket. Perhaps the socket was harmed. Is power getting to the fuse? You need to trace it back.
The two outlets are powered by separate 15A fuses, both in the fuse box under the steering wheel. I think the one for the front 12V outlet is in position 29, and is a blue fuse marked '15A'. Do you have a way to test this fuse? If not, one way is to swap it with the other outlet's fuse. The second outlet is powered by fuse 23, also a blue fuse marked '15A'. If the problem doesn't follow the fuse, and the wires were powered when you cut them, then you may have damaged the relay that controls power to the front outlet. Or, of course, any number of other possibilities. As for the warranty, you are not covered for any damage you do while doing this installation, including the damage you have just done to the outlet. :blink:
Good news! And thank you for your advise. There were indeed 2 fuses for this outlet, and one of them was blown!!!! I don't know how or why, but I'm happy everything is okay now! Huge sigh of relief....
Glad it worked out! Actually, though, there aren't two fuses for THAT outlet, there is one fuse for EACH outlet (another is in the center console). As to how or why, my guess (and that of tumbleweed and hdrygas) was that you cut the wires together while they were powered. Your cutters shorted the wires, and blew the fuse. IndyDoug had some words of wisdom as well (heh-heh!)
actually i found out the reason i shorted the fuse... striped wire was ground, not power.. i reversed it. i made this mistake because on the cigarette adapter, the striped wire goes to a module labeled '12 volt', so i assumed it was exactly that... i was wrong! BTW, these fuses are quite unusual and hard to find. I went to both AutoZONE and Orielys and neither had one.. or had even seen them. try not to blow any fuses....
I'm glad you were able to get things back to normal. I find having a Voltmeter (multimeter) is very helpful, that way I can check to see if Voltage is present and what the polarity is. You don't need a very expensive one, might also be handy for other things.
Yea, I didn't realize how hard until I saw this thread... You can get them for a couple of bucks at the dealer, though...