Car started fine twice this morning but now will not start. Everything inside the car powers on but when you turn the key nothing happens. I do have a CEL but don't know the code because I can't drive it. I tried a jump start but nothing changed. Any suggestions?
I tried the headlights and they were bright as usual. So I checked the fuse box under the hood on the driver's side and found an ignition fuse. The fuse was good so I put it back and tried starting the car again. It cranked with no problem and the CEL was gone.
Right, treat the car just like a computer, ie: power up a few times or disconnect the neg lead on the 12V Battery and reconnect. I installed a switch at the neg point on the 12V just for convenience. :rockon:
Something interesting happened today. The car would not start this morning, same issue as before. When I got home from work I grabbed my wife's key and cranked it right up on the first time. Then I tried the spare key that my daughter uses and it would not crank. The spare key was obtained from the dealership after we bought the car but it is not an original key. Is it possible that the chip inside the key has gone bad?
Or something happened to the list of allowed keys stored in the immobiliser ECU? You might try using your wife's working key as a master and reprogramming the car to your daughter's key ... see various threads in this forum. You can tell whether your wife's key is a master by watching the red security LED next to the radio, which should go out the moment you insert the key (if it stays on a couple seconds, then goes out, the key isn't a master and you can't use it to enable other keys). -Chap
Okay my wife's key is a master but I cannot find a thread on how to program the other key. I have searched using words like "key", "program", and "enable" with no luck. Can you help?
It didn't. Tried it several times. Has anyone had any success with this? When I put the bad key in the ignition I actually get a check engine light. My local Ace can duplicate security keys for about $65. Guess I'll go that route.