I was told there were 2 black and 1 silver 2006's that just came in today. They arent available for pickup yet by the customers who ordered them. ?? Maybe the dealer was instructed to wait for a big announcement that should be coming very soon ?? Dont know if this is a common thing. I am heading down there with my digi cam... I was also told that a BIG shipment of 2006's are going to come into LOS ANGELES on Nov 25th, mostly black and silvers. The colors, starting with blue is going to be showing up around the 5th of December. Exciting.... will keep everyone posted.
That's good news! Please post a picture of the 2006 Prius in the new Classic Silver paint. I read somewhere there will be two gray interiors available, one dark, one light. If you can get a picture of a Prius with leather interior, that would be great too! BTW the navigation system is reportedly improved for 2006 with a higher resolution screen, if you find one, it would be great to see a picture of it. Thanks!
If there is a package 8 available with leather I will snap a photo, regardless of the package I will snap a photo of the inside! And I also want to compare the differences with the new classic cilver met compared to the old silver... And I think the magnetic gray, darker one, is not going to be available after all for the 2006 prius... maybe the 2007??
I meant to say two gray "interiors" available, one dark, one light, in addition to the tan. I'm curious if that's true. I have modified my original post above to include the phrase "two gray interiors".
I'd be most interested in your impression of the "chromed" center bar in the grille. Where are you? (I promise the continent won't tip.) :lol:
I saw Los Angeles in his text, but wasn't sure that also meant HE was in LA, too. A poster pointed out the Japanese shipper's first supposed route, which included stopping at Portland first, then down to LA. If it's LA, gots to be Longo or Carson. (Unless they're "celebrity models", which HAS been done before. Wonder what those actors pay extra to get their hands on the first few?)
I had posted yesterday about getting a call from my dealer-Hamer Toyota. Filled out the final paperwork today and got the status on delivery: In Los Angeles port on Nov. 26th (think it is the same shipment as mentioned above). Delivery to my dealer within that next week. So close, yet so far...
They probably pay half of what we pay and get all the the luxury treatment that we can only dream off.
Yep! A 70 mile commute and a dying '92 Camri (251,000 miles) outway any tax credit. Also, I will be writing off all the business use which will be about 90% of my travel so tax-wise, I'll be OK.
alright all.. got back from the dealer.. The first salesperson I spoke to said there were no Prius on the lot at all. Was handed off to another salesperson who checked the inventory of the cars on the lot. I peeked at the inventory list on the computer over his shoulder.. 3 Prius's 2 silver, 1 black were delivered this morning. It did not specify the year. He seemed nice and a little confused of the possibility of there being Prius's on the lot since they are not getting any more 2005's?? Seemed like he was out of the loop as to what was going on and we drove around the enormous lot in a golf cart looking for a possible 2006 Prius. He did say it was possible there might have been a couple 2006's with the mornings delivery??? There was nothing there that we could find. Just people washing fresh of the boat cars. ?? So I dont know what the deal was, the discrepancies with the calls and the confusion that people seemed to have when looking at the inventory lists?? I dont know much about the possibilities of people getting their hands on early cars.. it seems like it can be a hush hush possilbility for celebrities as someone else pointed out? I did get confirmation of the "official" first shipment arriving in Los Angeles on the 25th with the majority of those black and silver. Will have to wait I guess. It was worth a shot to try to get an early peek anyway. :lol: P.S. Oh yeah and DeCleaner, the dealer where all this took place was in fact Hamer Toyota. And the confirmations were from Hamler and Hollywood on the LA delivery dates.
Sure sounds poll-worthy to me, Wayne! thecan: thanks for the effort. Keep an eye out for Leonardo tooling around in an '06 before Thanksgiving.
This is my first posting here. Learnt a lot from here and when I call sales people to ask about availability of 2006 and packages even they are shocked that I know so much of 2006 models. Unless the stock arrived for 2006 and you look at it you can't believe these dealers. 2 days ago I saw a note some where saying Carlston toyota has got their first shipment of 2006 Prius and they had 14 of them on the lot. But when I called them even the sales man over there was not aware there were any 2006 on the lot. Looks like big shipment of 2006 with lots of silver colors is coming up and I am getting couple of calls from dealers regarding this. Got the first call as well yesterday afternoon from Frontier toyota in LA that they were receiving 2006 shipments and I went ahead and reserved one car with Package 8 with Sea side Pearl Blue color. If some body is interested then you can call them and they have lots of other 2006 cars coming in shortly as well. They are really honest and they are selling it for MSRP.