Need to know how to get XM radio installed in Massachusetts. I have absolutely no installation skills. Can I get Prius XM and have a local installer put it in???
Look through this topic, or do a search in it for XM. It's not difficult yourself, but most car audio dealers will also do installations, even if you didn't buy from them; installation is a separate profit center. Call your local Bust But or Circuit City, etc., and ask. The worst they will do is say "NO!"
try searching "XM" and no results. try searching "XM radio installation" and this is the only derect topic. solid answers please. I've been looking for a damned hour for a stupid PDF on this site to remove my dash and i still haven't found it.. search function seldom works.
Go to and talk with Jon. He sells the XM radio and installation instructions. You can then go to local installers and see if you or they order the unit if they will do the installation. Good idea to find an installer with experience with the Prius. Jon may also be able to recommend a local installer.