That would be the California School Library Association conference in Ontario, California. I drove up in my Black Prius (got 54 mpg.) So far I've counted four other Prii here: red, blue and two silver. Plus someone has a Ford Explorer hybrid. And I'll bet there are more. I just haven't looked in all of the hotels parking lots, plus there are two other hotels hosting the conference. I'll bet the number of librarians owning hybrids is higher than average. The irony? Across the street from the Conference hotel is a Hummer dealership. Lot is FULL. I laugh every day on my walk to the Convention Center.
That must have almost doubled your car's miles so far! I remember that you don't put many miles on... If I may ask... What is your odo at? How far was the drive from CA?
Ontario, California, not Ontario in Canada. It's east of L.A. somewhere; north of Barstow. It was about 110 miles from San Diego. The odometer is around 6,500 miles since I got the car in April. I'll probably be at or below 10,000 miles when I reach the car's one year birthday.
Take a look at http://themessthatgreenspanmade.blogspot.c...verfloweth.html :blink: I think these are from the Thousand Oaks Auto Mall (near LA). -Richard
she could mean exactly what she says. someone (Cal Cars maybe) converted a Ford Explorer to hybrid mode. saw it demo'ed on an energy conference held in Spokane, WA last month. they also did a chevy surburban and an mecury sable besides the Prius. all these vehicles were plug in AER (All Electric Range) gas-electric hybrid vehicles of 20, 60 or 100 km range
Ontario, CA, is about 40 miles east of downtown Los Angeles. Barstow is another 80 miles to the northeast, via Interstates 10 and 15.
Okay, maybe I'm south of Barstow. I have no idea where I am in relation to anything else. I saw a sign that said something about Barstow but didn't pay attention because I was looking for I-10 east and heading to Ontario. I could have sworn the lady said it was an Explorer but maybe it was an escape. All I know is it was a Ford as I asked her if she was driving a Highlander and she said no. Both of my dinner companions last night said their next car will be a hybrid. One said she was looking at the Highlander. The other is interested in a Prius. Both want another year or two of no car payments (both their cars are paid off) before they buy again. The one interested in the Highlander has two boys and is pregnant now. She was interested in the third row of seating. If I've got a little time I'll take a pick of the row upon row of Hummers grinning at the street. There was a hideous yellow colored one the other day. Why would anyone want to buy a car that looks like a cab?
I saw an extremely long, yellow, stretch Hummer limo last week. This particular one was so long that if you got in the back door and then got out the front door, you would be at your destination without even starting the motor. Hummer stealth mode, if you will.
Ah! That must have been Riverside I went through. At least I know I'm still in California and not Canada.